
Eternity talking

LET'S TALK ETERNITY, “just a bit”. Nothing in life suggests the need for truth, more than those three words. Because nothing is more certain than life and death/ the cost of death is eternal, and that makes it even more important than life itself. Therefore we should learn, as best...

Life Elementally

Life “elementally”. TIME IS, the expression of your truth. The consequences of your decisions, or the realities imposed by the decisions of others. TO INTERFERE with life, is to interfere with eternity. The difference: LIFE explains living as the basis of freedom by choices you will make. TIME expresses your...


The question of chemistry   Lives within the creation of an atom. Each element represents a different definition of motion/ the capture of forces/ critical compositions of matter versus “dark matter”/ and foundations for order that are accomplished by the disciplines which can be enforced. An atom is born within...


Living now suggests, that life is being separated, into what can become female/ and what cannot. As my existence seems to be, more of an out of body experience, than ever before. So the question is: what will GOD or, the spiritual woman of Revelation 12 do; with me? I...


The most critical value of life: is how valuable we do accept, that living is! Those who hate say little or none/ those who must play games to distract themselves from reality; depend upon winning or losing to establish a value for them. Those who love, search for answers; and...


MIRACLES, offer insight to the reality of life on earth. Because miracle means: by ways or means we do not understand; life exists. Within that statement of life, is the paradigm of our association with thought. The critical truth of life itself. We are not alive because of body/ we...


I come to “a parting of the ways”/ so it seems to me. Realities beyond my control have seen fit to redefine my life, “without male”. NO IT IS NOT “homosexual, transvestite, or other”/ no male allowed or intended [STRICTLY, between FEMALE, and I]; as it is strictly a spiritual...


O f things that are true; is the constant of war in humanity. Throughout history war has been practiced man to man/ or men to men/ or in rare cases women are involved; but it is always the same, “I want what you have/ and I will take it from...

time essence, living with truth

Time is the expression of energy, and how it correlates to what truth will allow for us to do. We are the embodiment of time, speaks to the reality of being alive as a body called life; is directly proportional; to our composition of atoms. Or more distinctly: we are,...

Convictions, changing times; basic things

While the supreme court can argue; “it is not cruel and unusual punishment” to restrict homeless encampments. It is cruel and unusual punishment NOT to provide a reasonable and realistic opportunity to camp as needed: where that is literally possible/ by providing REAL WORLD utilities and probabilities for work, to...