MIRACLES, offer insight to the reality of life on earth. Because miracle means: by ways or means we do not understand; life exists.
Within that statement of life, is the paradigm of our association with thought. The critical truth of life itself. We are not alive because of body/ we are alive because of thought; as is the cognizant construction of understanding; the difference between “alive or dead”.
So we then ask of life: “what is true of you”; because we do, ultimately, stand between “life and death”. As a body of time. Which ends with the body will die/ but we cannot prove with absolute evidence that life itself, will go on. What we do know is: that life is a destiny shaped by thought. Making each decision that you will make, a foundation upon which your own future depends. Because only truth survives, it is your own truth that then decides your own future.
But we return to life, to ask: is this a question of self/ or is this a relationship: meaning “I and something else” exist as one living existence? Reality knows: “I did not build life or body as me”/ I am only allowed to moderate what the environment of my existence will allow. Therefore truth suggests: we are established in time, as a relationship with life/ rather than life itself is simply “the body called self”.
The elemental question is then: IF a relationship/ THEN, a relationship with WHAT?
Religion offers its belief (you are whatever you want; no evidence is required or given: everything is belief).
Arrogance (yes I can)/ apathy (no you can’t)/ and disrespect (I am judge) are all elements of what humanity decides when they do not have belief in something greater than self.
So the search for life is a search beyond self; where the elemental transition between Creation of a body and its life/ versus the realities of time are conceived as truth?
What do we know is true?
The answer is: miracles exist; without question or belief/ without the slightest human intervention. Life is a miracle so far beyond human translation, that all they find is the sewage of humanity wants “to play god”/ and imagines, with fantasies and delusions; that they can. Even though they cannot.
The question is then: WHAT DO MIRACLES PROVE IS TRUE?
Clearly the primary understanding is: “some form of life” far greater than ourselves, granted this element of time to grace our lives with a decision. That decision is presented by the biblical story of JESUS (believe it or not); as a decision between “love or hate”/ as is so clearly presented by HIS story. The cost of hate in this world; is clearly proven true. While the value of life disciplined with love and ordered by what is more than self; finds in love an answer to death. Which is: we are invited into eternity, IF we choose life JESUS did do.
But the question is both WHY, AND HOW? Because that is unclear in his story. Reality however proves what can become a value to our own understanding; as is the truth of loneliness. No matter how smart or accomplished you are/ without another life to share it with, value is lacking its substance. Therefore to add life, to create the true value of living “without time (requires no body of time)” ; is to add love to being ALIVE. Only love is invited/ hate will be ejected to receive its reward, as is terrors, and destruction, unrelenting.
So they we can perceive of why. But our relationship with how, is far more complex.
We then turn back the clock: to encompass the question of life is a relationship/ not a formation called self. Therefore the quest to understand what will happen in death is two fold true. The body will be evacuated, as death discarded from time: that life, and its time: is over forever/ the body worthless as is proven true.
The question of a relationship however is present and true. Because ONLY TRUTH SURVIVES! So the critical definition of living is formed and fastened too: what is true in you? And since ONLY LOVE is considered to be of value as the treasure of eternity itself. Only what is true of your own love, decides if a real relationship was formed with life, or not. So we do ask: WHAT DOES REAL mean?
Unlike human wants, which are the basis and foundation of all beliefs. The real consequence of living is bound within the decisions we make/ and what we do or do not do, as a witness to that which is “real” in our own individual life. Or more distinctly: “no points so to speak” for joining a church, or being in a group, or wanting to do something you did not do; or any of it. ONLY WHAT IS REAL, becomes the foundation of life as a relationship with life (the beating of a heart); which can then become “soul”. Because you chose beyond self.
We then ask: HOW, can I choose beyond self/ I am self/ I must be self/ there is no exit door to be something else; as can only result in a lie.
Beyond self however means: without concern for your own existence; which is recognized as a participation with life, when love forms the reason you do it. Or more distinctly: the choice is: to part ways with time and its want/ in order to join with life itself, as soul. Soul establishes the foundations of thought in you; which are translated by the grace of GOD into a participation with eternity; even if “still in time”. Because self is removed, and life is formed by what has become true.
A caveat of reality is born here: wherein my own life has been altered by its relationship with soul; into female “owns me”/ rather than born male. No that has absolutely nothing to do with homosexual or any other perversion of body or life. But exists as the decision: to search for a solution male did not have/ HOW, to keep this earth and all its life; from becoming extinct? Her answer was: let women try! A reality I could not find as “strictly male”/ but life itself, chooses need over want; and my own reality has changed. So do not be simple in your understanding of time. It is far more complex than I considered it could be. Truth is not limited to the barriers of force; but crossing the line, regardless of cause: IS breaking the laws that govern our truth as a world/ even as a universe. So, “there is a cost for that”; even if, a value has been found, which grants hope to our world. Her ways proved to be “world law/ not leaders; and limited capitalism; to govern money rather than people”. Both of which when combined create a truly “new world” on earth.
NONETHELESS, apart from: DON’T break the law of life/ or you will pay. The realities of happiness, are not dedicated to “what you want”/ but conform to the truth of what life can become. Without preconceived definitions of what life is/ to accept life is, what it is: conforms to the elegance of an eternity, that needs no judgment to survive. The essence of that truth is then depicted by the honesty: “of what we can be/ rather than what we expect to be”.
in this life, we do survive because of the forces which provide the energy which causes us to move. Because these are balanced as atomic constructions; both male and female are constricted to similar movements in time. NOT the same, but they do look similar in the cause and consequence of what truth does allow. Different forces which actually conceive of movements in the opposite direction of the other: cause us to pass each other by. Because we are not “going in the same direction”. But when lives are joined in love: we share the same destiny, and therefore contrive to walk in the same ways; by balancing each other with caring and sharing that can only join with love. Love equals the bond of trust; and thereby truth constructs a home.
It is: critical to understand: that eternity brings back force to each side of the line that divides us. Female being female/ and male being male: as is the elemental truth of an energy which cannot be controlled just by want. Therefore we MUST learn truth; and accept the limits and barriers which both divide beyond self; and do bind those who have created, a home.
So the question is: what does eternity mean, for those who did not find someone to share or care or respect the love they offered to life?
We return to the relationship, that governs our existence as a living truth. LOVE IS: “the greatest treasure in this universe”/ even if left un-found by time. Therefore because only love is invited/ only love will be found; in life beyond time is ALIVE. The consequence of that: “nothing is bad here”.
Even so: it is particularly unwise to assume or believe anything about what we have absolutely no control over; but by the truth found in us. So to say, “I know”/ is fraudulent. Because all we have to judge this existence with is the evidence of our reality; and it does not extend “beyond time”.
However the truth is: IF WE SEARCH for truth in Creation itself/ WE CAN, be offered a door, in the essence of life: beyond the limits of time, as self. BUT BEWARE: it is not what you believe “as always”. Instead the spiritual world is offered ONLY to those who are true enough within; to survive. Therefore you will be tested to identify and prove what is true in you. EVERYTHING is required: and that includes every truth you have accepted. But WHEN WRONG; “the fire” of failures will come to get you. Because a level of purity MUST be earned; or you won’t survive the truth of life itself. Because all thought exists within a framework of force, and if you fail that force, “it will eat you”. So truth must exist/ and purity must be earned by your choices: but mercy allows for far greater limits and boundaries; if you do not find the path that leads to “real world freedoms”.
But there again is a caveat: because my path was valued and true to life; until “needing to ask a question of female: WHAT would you do to save this world”? Man cannot! Opening that door, to what thought provides: meant I encountered a completely “worlds apart; so to speak”/ not a clue! Reality of truth I could not answer. So while great freedoms were found in the beginning of my relationship with thought as a participant in soul/ crossing the line, to ask of the other side WHAT would you do; became a cost of being wrong: thought does not accept, “I have no answers”. And I remain hostage; because the entry point was sealed shut, and is without hope. So beware of your search; accept limits and boundaries because they protect you. And do whatever you can to purify truth, so that it will become the path to your own freedoms. Even beyond time.
As to the consequence of “entering the life of female”; she balanced me, and together we did find solutions which can keep this earth alive. While she is responsible for that reality; it is nonetheless true; “without male” involved; those answers would not have been given to you. Because these are “separated worlds”/ and cannot be joined. Although it appears “an exception” has been made: because our world does face extinction. As the reality of “university plays god/ and the cult formed by bribes and manipulation has taken over”. This is no game: truth is truth.
The foundation anchor of men is force/ while the foundation anchor of women is law: and that makes the decision of leadership; primarily the job of women. Because force by men; ends with war/ not law. And you cannot stop extinction; with force.
Or more distinctly: life is a relationship with thought/ and thought is a relationship with force: but there are TWO MAIN “directional” FORCES in this universe: to push (male) or to pull (female) and they are NOT the same. Intellect (I can build a trap/ I can reveal a trap) is discarded as worthless. Which opens the door to any level of comprehension you do offer as your own: because only what is true matters. And only what is love will survive in peace and happiness beyond this life. YOU DO, know that love is the value found in living; and that does not change; body or not.
So I caution you: not to believe/ but to search for what truth can reveal, accepting the decision is your own: regarding what is, or is not real: just as miracles (yes or no) are your own decision too. Acceptance is completely different than belief. Acceptance means: this is my truth, because the evidence has bound my heart to the rhythms of what life is. Whereas belief; is a want that can be changed, “at any heartbeat” you desire; because truth has not anchored it with value. Be at peace with your truth. But if you are not: change what your truth is: all can do that/ it is your right.
But be forewarned: the majority fail changing themselves; because want is so egregious as to remove life from truth. Even so; be the best you can be: granting life is more than self, or its beliefs.
I am changing; want is completely irrelevant. But in the process of change, I have learned something of female. That in order for the law to protect you/ you must protect the law which serves us all. It is a foundation of life. Defining that law, and accepting it as justice: is the difference between “life and war”.
While thought is the most intricate test of life, it is not the critical truth of life; but conceives of the pathway that achieves an invitation to join foundations which belong only to the universe itself. Love assembles “the treasury called you”. Just as a body of time identifies who you are. Creation however is “a living force”/ that becomes alive, when it achieves the dignity called self. Surrendering that self, to become an eternal life: demands only truth shall decide now.
The intricacies of law, form the basis of “our living world”; respect holds the anchor which allows for our freedoms to exist; love shapes the experience and expressions of sharing life, while living identifies being alive is the discovery of “happiness”.
While it is true, that none can talk of eternity; “with proven evidence”, because we cannot share death. It is also true, that each is responsible for their own testimony; and what comes from the living of truth inside this world called: time “to decide” who you are. NOT as belief, because that is “an animal world”. But rather the personal search capable for each one: that seeks for themselves what is true, and what is value in me.
Alterations in “the body of thought, we live in”/ and various other confusing details of my life in time: discuss the validity of “sane or insane”/ because this is not common. But I am not the decision of your life or world. I was the messenger: change or you will die! But that came with the path I have traveled, and the realities I chose or endured. Not you/ but me, and I am not your savior by any sense of imagination or fantasy. It is simply not so/ never be swayed: I merely delivered the message. IF THIS WORLD DOES NOT CHANGE QUICKLY/ THEN IT WILL BECOME EXTINCT. Because the universities or its cult; cannot play god/ only devil! As the consequences now show. Alas: even with overwhelming evidence that is true; humanity must still “find a brain back”/ in order to realize, their game is dead: and extinction looms large. Because that is what you chose. So says the evidence of your time on earth.
Love is the living part of your brain/ hate is the dead part; and only you hold the keys to which will define your time on earth. Eternity allows for love and hate: BUT IN VERY different directions and destiny. They cannot share: life is forever different than death. While it is true, “the animals” cannot come/ because they would not commit, to their own truth; as want is not enough to survive.
Want is the temptation of time, the chain which ties you to pride and power as the evidence of who you are. The decision: “time is enough for me”/ as is “I will stay here”; where death ends life.
Or as is the constant of the majority: they believe, that what they want time to be, is their sanctuary; the place where life began/ and their decision as to, where life will end. Exchanging want, for the claim: I am my own god, as is belief. Which applies to all parties in religion, universities, or not.
The difference between acceptance of what truth can provide, as is called faith. The conception of thought, and its construction of life; matters to me. OR the realities of want as is called belief; and its resignation and failure to commit to what is true (I want what I want): leads life into death.
Religion tries to accept truth: but “it is a business”, and will always be dependent upon those who come, and share the reality; of what we think. Rather than the destiny of what the decision to search for life honestly is. We are time/ rather than life. But life is in us, as a relationship to be cherished.
Those who are invited to complete their journey, are those who seek the path of truth, and accept the decision: to seek life beyond self, as is the cost of time. Your choice: one or the other. Because want is not enough/ OR as is living for most: “want is all there is”. Only one of these can be true. While want can achieve the assembly of choices that lets you compete for prizes; “trophies, toys, trinkets or the like”. The rewards of time. Only truth can prepare a future beyond time, as is the definition of destiny. Making “life in time (I want it all; now)/ OR, life beyond time (miracles show me: MORE)”; a reality called true.
The decision: why we must choose. Is not for us to question/ it is, only for life itself, “to find us”.
Belief grants: “just in case I/ we were wrong”. “an escape hatch; either way/ hedging bets, by buying insurance”. Will not work.
Acceptance, truth must decide: is a decision that does not allow for “an escape route”; other than YOUR truth. What eternity accepts!
And that means: “the human game” of winning or losing ends, with the truth, time does not matter (as is your body or mind)! Only the decisions that identify “love, hate, or want” contrive to isolate what is true in you. Truth alone survives/ it is a law.
And this human world screams: “I want what I want/ you can’t scare me”. But I do not, as is true for any and all messengers: I only bring the message. Life is more complex, than want. Change or you will be extinct. So says the evidence of your lives. The truth of what you chose.
Hate will then distract; as it always does. But only if those who accept destiny will arise, and discover the law that will decide by the evidence found in your own courtroom. Proving what is true/ the true cost of being wrong. “no belief” allowed. The evidence decides, while intentional liars are to be imprisoned for the rest of their lives. The world needs truth! CHOOSE.
HOW is it, “that I” should be even the messenger; that GOD would choose to deliver this message of life ending on earth if you refuse to change? NOT A CLUE. “its not my job”. My job; was to deliver the message if you don’t change; truth will overwhelm you/ and end with life on earth is now extinct. I did that/ therefore YOU: ARE NOW “the messenger: who will or will not accept; what is true in you”. I delivered the message: to humanity! But, YOU: children of life: WILL CHOOSE to, “deliver it, to the world”. So that it is absolutely clear: I AM, “only a messenger”/ no more than those who accept the job, to continue this work.
Although I would have to say: “overwhelmed by female” is something I cannot even conceive of; as a destiny, future, or whatever this is to be? I guess it is just to prove; “believe the message/ not the messenger”. But I don’t know. It is a quandary; and the literal verdict has been given: life is never going to be the same/ given to, the world of female. I have no prediction/ I have no idea how or why or what, who, when, where or whatever? “it is not me, that decides”.
But your decision is: to accept the reality of life, and its living truth; which is this entire earth is ready to “lay down and die” because of what humanity has done. Making “the universities, who lead”; the greatest tragedy of life, to have ever lived in time. We do have a limited time to regain: LIFE IS PRECIOUS, AND SO IS THIS WORLD! Before the end result of your truth/ displays the entire consequence of your actions: which is extinction. Because only truth survives: and universities have made this world a place for liars, thieves, cheats, whores (money is all that matters), terrorists, traitors and all that is not valued by life. Your choice is truth decides/ or extinction is certain to come; “sooner than you will believe”.
The reality of life: STOP believing I am an enemy/ STOP believing I have something to gain (I do not); instead “the body seems now, more in control over me/ than I am of it; a reality never found in male”. STOP assuming I am here to steal something/ I am not. Instead it is my life as male that has been stolen, and growing tits, are now shouting “strictly female”. STOP believing you know/ you do not. Nor do I; “this is a spiritual thing, an end of the world thing: orchestrated by realities beyond our grasp”. And whatever is to come of it; will not be by my own decision. Which asks the question: “am I some kind of toy/ trinket/ trophy”? Granting only, “it is not your decision”. Not a single clue why, or what now? Other than I am clearly not/ nor will I ever be: “your savior, guru, priest, etc”. I was a messenger, and that day is done; this is completely new, and a true surprise.
Truth however knows: that my work, my life, my choice is not about me; but about this world and all its life. Asking of humanity: come help me save this planet from ourselves. Because just like you, this world is built upon the chains of life that keep it alive. Just like you: blood is worthless without your heart/ your heart cannot move without muscles/ your muscles cannot move without the timing of brain function/ your whole body fails to exist without food and water and air to breathe. Or more simply: this earth has needs just like you/ and humanity is tearing everything apart; in ways that cannot be undone. So the earth will die/ and facing the truth of what you did do; the worms and bugs will not be enough: so hell comes with cannibalism and all that hate can do. Even if, the universities are held back from destroying life, before that day fully comes; as is their demand. The university cult cannot be confused with the universities that helped; because hate invades wherever power can be found. It is evolution which opened the door to chaos in everything; as this entire humanity SCREAMED: NO CONSEQUENCES for us. Which is not true. As the atomic bomb; silenced those who would complain with fears, and then all the things “university builds for mass extinction” of humanity itself. As are robots for war/ biological weapons, for you once they achieve a vaccine for themselves/ all the money they can want, by enslaving the rest as covid did do; an the media entrapment of manipulation, and maze formations intent upon keeping you from understanding anything of value. Rise up beyond self: and understand want will not keep you alive. WE MUST CREATE OUR OWN LAW/ we must CREATE OUR OWN ability to control the money, so they cannot create armies against us; with limited capitalism, and control over bankruptcy. Thereby reassembling truth in human life and living for us all.
And all of humanity screams: YOU MUST be lying/ because women cannot overcome men; or they were never “men”. But truth provides, that “since the war for control ended in me”/ roughly 7 years ago. There have been roughly 70,000 “NO YOU CAN’T” realities of living (3-4 a day for 7 years_)/ that she has enforced by “a ten thousand volt jolt of electricity”. Anything male might want or do, is threatened; even if I am allowed to start/ at the worst possible time (she demands stop), and there is no refusing. Because she is spiritual, and knows my every thought; and “she lives”, on the inside of me. It is not a game; I cannot refuse. Nor can I refuse “an elemental change”; however that exists. Yes I know: “you can’t believe any of that”. But, that is irrelevant to me; it is, what it is. Whatever will be, seems never to be my decision again? I know not why? IS this what women endure?
I cannot imagine: whatever life will be, once this punishment for breaking a law (entering the spiritual world of female, as male) of the universe is over? “be careful what you want/ even if it is a dying world you seek to protect”. law is law, there are no exceptions.
I guess the primary lesson of law in the universe, as represented by my life is: the purity of law WILL decide/ never you. Even if you can, “find a way”. “its complicated”. Just for clarity: I did ask “women on earth”, to clarify what they could do for life! They refused to answer.
And I say to this world: that I have indeed paid sufficiently for my choice, “to fight for this planet and all its life”/ even to the point of “never finding male again; whom I loved”.
He is not completely gone yet; “but there is wreckage (lost cause) everywhere”.
IT IS YOUR DECISION; TO PARTICIPATE FOR LIFE AND EARTH AND CHILD/ or not. Because I am refused further “real” involvement in that work. Your choice, or the consequences of YOUR truth will decide YOUR fate. Simple as that. What is to become of “female in me”; is beyond my ability to understand/ its a “whole different world”.
The question of time: is in fact a simplified relationship identifying existence with thought as it conceives of “life or death”. A rock experiences no time, as is true for the universe. Time, is only for the living! Only thought recognizes the distance something can or will travel. So in terms of penalties for me; the critical question is, how far from male, will I go/ or more correctly will she take me? It seems likely; “too far” to go back. All hope lives in the future; even if you don’t know what that future will be. GOD is my choice/ beyond that I need not know.
I suppose, that we can go a bit farther with time; and recognize that the atom is the basis of time, and its relationship to our own existence; is defined by the construction of what will survive being in close proximity to each other. The answer is: what is the same, for most all elements. The destruction of that union, opens the description of “both push and pull/ or every action has a reaction: but before these exist, there must be a union to dissolve or create”. Because there are laws involved in energy and its motion. “a few quadrillion puzzles later” and the beginning of life is formed. While all men shout “I KNOW (so very little)”/ as is the intent to steal; if respect does not exist.
It is, at the very core of life; to exist within the framework of the environment which we are given. To aid in that challenge of living: is the clear and certain discovery, that being male or being female are each completely independent of the other. Providing to each, the elaboration of “this is my home, my retreat from a world”/ because I will always be “male OR female”.
So the question is: if gender is a home/ then it has an identifying characteristic; such as, this is what male does do/ and this is what female does do. But within that force of existence, is the certainty: we are not ultimately alone in our lives. Because we are not as a cognizant reality of thought; either male or female/ but exist within that force of Gender, which is designated as either male or female. We cannot escape the force of life, it is our existence/ but we can escape the confinement of thought, which is our freedom.
So the question is: what can freedom do? The answer: to express and experience, truth/ or descend into lies, as imagination, fantasy, delusion, and more subject life too, upon your consent. Because thought is the translation of where you want to go (an expression of belief)/ rather than the identity of where you did go (the spiritual realm of truth, by the evidence of your reality). Belief is limited too: what this world can provide, which does include imagination, terrors, and so on. Truth is an actuary of law, that limits and confines what is possible; to the environment within which you exist.
So the question of eternity is: can you exist within the laws which keep us all alive/ and will you accept being happy there as your reward? Many say no. and turn back to their belief: so they can play god, and create wealth by enslaving the others, wanting to win, or judge, or whatever it is they want. But will fail, because belief is not: the law of truth.
Values search us out/ respect identifies what is true/ and love assembles the journey we will take; within our own discipline of truth, by the order of our own version of life is a treasury of what we do bring to share.
While the alteration of force; can only be done by GOD / it should never be denied as impossible.
As for me, on this date: it is true, “I would just like to go home, to male”. But every journey is its own, and I know: that female is equal to male/ so the distance to be traveled is not mine to judge.