Life, from a different view; entitles me to suggest it is, “what the mirror sees” as the evidence of your life/ instead of what you believe is, or will be your life. By taking away the disguise, what is left constructs reality. Therefore the intent to reveal what eternity can prove/ to examine what life is really like, without want/ and to understand the beginning of the atomic truth: time begins and ends with the atom, as we are “all made from these”. Therefore the search is for knowledge, and the path must be sustained by truth. So the book of “keys”, looks to the spiritual side of things/ and then normalizes what you find in the later chapters. “life discovered” seeks the human living of time and self. While “secrets of the atom” reflect the foundations of what we do know/ rather than the fantasies of “those who call themselves university”; because they have a diploma.
In addition; at the end of this reading; “consider if you want it”/ is Chapter 13; the conclusion, which refers the reader back to what has been given in the first book; as is written by the free works of www.brainfirst.info and www.justtalking7.info defining the cost of being wrong. The cost of believing, rather than investigating to prove what is true: When our entire world is at stake. Returning once again: to first amendment redress of grievances; is our literal “power of the people (we will now decide for ourselves); in this USA democracy”.
Returning once again: no matter what you want, or believe/ only truth keeps us all alive. Our truth of consequences for universities has changed this: leads to HELL, (every chain of life is broken; cannibalism is left); Armageddon (nature, as is genetics; in chaos); the Apocalypse (war for water/ or die in 3 days) and extinction! Even: Hades (the attempt to ignite the same fire here as on the sun: turns our planet into a sun). So says the evidence of where we are.
And the people say: “that ain’t true/ we have more than that”. For the moment you do; even though you do stand on the threshold of terror; by university design. But, more than that: it is absolutely clear, this is your legacy to every child. “assassination by terror”. As their world shall be dead; YOU threw it all away.
OUR only true choice: is to understand, we must investigate for the sake of life and world: to PROVE WHAT IS TRUE! Or, you have surrendered this earth to its death. So, I have worked, to make it clear: LET THE EVIDENCE DECIDE. Not you or them; because we cannot let “those who lead: our world”, BE WRONG, ANYMORE!
Nothing is more distinct: than our need to know the facts, not be told what, we are to believe.
These are elements of the websites www.brainfirst.info & www.justtalking7.info for excerpts here book2
Both life and earth depend upon our knowledge, the future itself depends upon our understanding. Because too late to change, becomes a cemetery for our world.
the book in offering is fully written, but not yet finalized for sale.
I believe it is only fair: since asking you to think; even if it is selling something/ to give something away. Both have an intrinsic value which may or may not be realized. My gift, is an invention: a very simple, emergency; “stop a blood vessel from leaking”/ by preparing in advance: “ a spring; housed in a plastic sleeve”. Which when collapsed like an accordion; causes front and rear openings of the tube this makes to “form a funnel” for insertion. As the spring expands it enters and pushes out the inside collars; into the plastic material to form the opening; which then lets blood flow properly. A suitable holding tool; to keep it collapsed until use; completes the tool (along with packaging); needed for “battlefield conditions”. Simple to use; effective first aid. but in several sizes and lengths.
IF you include barbs or other devices (mating collars, put on first) on the funnel ends; to keep the device in place; then torn blood vessels can be put back together; until better is possible. But methods to secure the patch in place must be used; that can be as simple as bandages. The tourniquet is in fact a very bad tool, and should not be used unless there is no choice.
other conceptions:
To aid and abet: reminding you, that if you have trouble with carpel syndrome/(as I have done a lot of typing); it is only necessary to sit down, preferably on a padded seat: WITH YOUR PALM OF THE HAND facing down. You then sit on your hands for a few minutes/ which will re-stretch the tendons creating the problem.
Once again: to use two canoe v-shaped structures with a chain link space in the middle for a “humvee” carrier; reduces the explosive impact; a video is found somewhere on this site; at the bottom of the page.
In keeping with the military; the osprey “helio-plane” cannot counterbalance itself/ and must have a suitable thrust jet in the tail pointing downward; for maneuvers / fueled by what you do have.
the again stated REALITY OF CHANGE IS: in this USA. The foundation of government is the contract we made as a nation with ourselves. That has not changed, and is written as the document of law: that guides all that our nation can be or do. Ruling over our employees/ so they cannot rule over us.
That foundation of law includes first amendment redress of grievances; WE THE PEOPLE DECIDE AS THE OWNERS HERE! The most valid of all guarantees: that we are a democracy, rather than the toy, or trophy, of an insurgent army.
The cost of that however is protection from the corruption and rebellion of those who want power over us all. As was proven with covid; exists, as an invader!
The critical corruption is: “the university and its expert/ who tells media what they will report as truth. No questions allowed; as universities expect to be heard as “god”.
The critical truth is: that their decision, allowed by president Reagan; was to steal all the money and power and give it to themselves; as has happened for the last fifty years.
Their critical evidence created: is a world dying from human occupation, rather than life with respect; for all life and world and the future. The universities solution; throughout these decades: simply LET THE CHILDREN PAY. And it was so, because greed ruled this society.
But today the evidence of our extinction from this planet is certain; we shall not survive without true change. Any honest investigation of the facts will prove that so.
But humanity says: WE WANT WHAT WE WANT, and won’t believe this earth can die: period/ just as the corpse of religion shouts with them: GOD won’t let this planet die, we don’t have to do NOTHING. BUT reality is clear, and the evidence is overwhelming and true.
So then we find the courts in crisis: “fools everywhere/ insurgents throughout/ power to power/ destroy democracy and let it die: “for a price”.
To that reality I remind this society: that the courts ALL OF THEM; have no influence over the constitution or its founding documents. Only what is beneath the constitution can they interpret.
AND WILL ENFORCE THE OATH OF OFFICE, on our employees; because we can with redress.
To: assemble the critical conceptions of: “think for yourselves”/ this book was written for you.
two excerpts: from “book 2: the keys of life”
Chapter 1: the living
The foundation of humanity is: “I am going to die”. Nothing is more
persuasive of time has an ending; therefore life has an ending: than this. So the critical truth of death is: WHAT DOES in fact happen then? Which ends with the discussion: we cannot prove what is true/ therefore we must believe what we do accept as truth. The critical construction is then: WHAT CAN BE PROVEN AS TRUTH?
1. it is absolutely certain,,,,,,,,,,!
CHAPTER 2: the dying
So we ask, what is eternity? And functionally define it, by interlocking life with living: so that both can assemble the introduction of thought did this. Because within the elements of life, only thought assembles the existence of a choice called freedom. Life is then the essence of that choice, by understanding the freedom that is elementally thought redefined as “you”. Eternity then seeks those who can create an identity built upon value, completed by the essence of love, and assembled with forces that are both “push and pull”; as is needed to find in the critical laws of destiny; an opportunity to change, and grow beyond self.
Or more eloquently; we must identify and create the binding of male to female, in order to construct the bridge: where time no longer matters. Because truth has formed us into the honesty of who we are as one. Critical, because in this vast universe of both life and death/ the isolation of living can be overwhelming; as is evidenced by suicide on earth. The elemental truth of opposite forces combining to protect each other, gives rise to the value of what each can bring beyond self, or as self; to the understanding of how we are to live. Why we are able to live; in the purity of trust; the binding of truth.
Two Excerpts from book 2; the keys of life, “plus 2”.
IT IS deemed, “a book” for sale to subsidize this work; of changing the world, by law! Accepting the assembly of new things; will create a better world/ that will not survive unless we do.
Requires an understanding of order that exceeds the claim of university/ and demands a discipline to balance: what the world needs now/ with what the future needs in order to exist.
two excerpts from Life discovered:
So the critical question is: HOW, do we arrive at the “ways and means” of what we choose to become? The answer begins and ends largely with our own decision to interact with want. WANT is the single largest driver between who we would be/ and what we will become.
The critical questions are:
1. How do we go from body and mind, into heart and soul? Answer: you must care, therefore you will share the essential reality of love. As love explains how we escape the boundaries and limits of ourselves. You must find your answers in truth, and let only truth guide you into life itself!
one excerpt from: “building time/ secrets of the atom”
The black hole does Not represent a vacuum/ this is a time collapsing event. Which means: kinetic “actions or reaction as a measurable event” has been lost. Or the atom as an individual participant with its own environment: no longer exists in time, but has become, one single individual black hole. The black hole is a sphere, because the energy impacting that sun mass by the explosive supernova event: became reversed, energy released at the core faster, than it could get out through time. Time for the mass then stops. Existence of the black hole comes from the sun core. The energy impacting or shaping the black hole is; as if that energy was controlling the sphere itself: by surrounding the core with equal pressures, that found no outlet. Thereby we again know: that with equal energy from all sides of the sphere pushing into and compressing the absolute center of the sun mass: the result, becomes a black hole. Which is reversed energy, forming density rather than space.
I reserve the right to make my own decisions; on what may or may not be done with money collected: fifty plus years, to never be paid/ expenses incurred. Allow for that.
These are elements of the websites www.brainfirst.info & www.justtalking7.info
There are two other books included; written by me; “life discovered (a living book) & secrets of the atom (a discipline of order book)”; to establish the expected 200+ or so pages in the average book. They both seek clarity, within your own understanding of life and world.
Others block that effort, as best they can. Because hate rules their lives.
from book 2.
CHAPTER 1: the living
CHAPTER 2: the dying
CHAPTER 3: the identity you chose
CHAPTER 4: the working life
CHAPTER 5: teaching
CHAPTER 6: changing
CHAPTER 7: the law, of living, is our own choice
CHAPTER 8: governing ourselves
CHAPTER 9: the human dimension
CHAPTER 11; religion is a rule
CHAPTER 13: the conclusion.
This chapter 13; is not copyrighted / it suggests a free basic conception of what is written; so feel free to use it as you wish. It is my intent; that you should not pay any money for something (therefore consider this); before, to be certain; you do. Or do not wish to own.
CHAPTER 13: the conclusion to book 2 (this chapter is not copyrighted; use as you wish) BOOK 1; IS, the web sites listed here.
Time is the struggle of our human existence; the place where we surrender the decisions we make; to the consequences of our own truth. That element of life, is the basis of living: to see the effects/ to understand the difference/ to accept the foundations, that become what truth will do to us all.
Truth forms the essence of life. It is an environment, where we exist in the dimensions of what we choose. Life beyond self, offers “the universe”. Life as self, offers death, as the body dwindles with age, until it is no more. So the question is: WHAT shall we pursue, in the quest to become a value: which life then sees as our own truth?
The critical conception is: that we should learn “how to grow within ourselves”/ much like a fetus grows within a womb. Nourished by “the fabrics of living within our reality”/ but contained within the certainty of our change. Thought elevates that change, and we become the identity, discovers begin. So the answer is: we must discover the search for life, as is the basis of “going home”; where eternity waits.
Time is an insurgency, pushing through barriers which we erect; to sustain peace: as is the boundary line, “this is as far as I go”. Because death, of time; will stalk us, beyond this point. It is true, as life beyond self does know: we are “without the herd”/ isolated from time. As does become spirit; “walks here”. Thought conceives of discipline, the anchors of truth. Life constructs the boundary line of order, to that truth has a direction. But living shapes the decision: of who we are going to be; and becomes the truth of who we are.
So the question is: who, and why; has become the essence of your life? Elementally, the discovery of a choice (love or hate); cannot be found greater than the testimony of “biblical JESUS”. So he forms the anchor of love, can survive. The question of why: could this have been necessary? Discovers the critical tragedy of human existence: to find animals (I want what I want)/ instead of truth. So the answer is: loneliness, shapes our world, more than truth.
Yet humanity finds itself wanting, what has no answer for loneliness; and discarding what does. To obtain, Pride (I win)/ or to obtain power (I am the superior one). I know not: why? Only the animals do. Time however adds: “these, are the games, animals play; to feel “not alone”.
To KNOW, the difference between life and death is “life”/ is to understand the body of time, is a house from which life expands itself; as truth allows for each to do. Time is not life/ and life is not time, apart from body. Instead truth is life, and truth has no limits in time: it is, what it is, and that cannot be changed; once death has taken time away. The greater the purity of your truth, the greater the dimensions of your existence. “your choice”. Love has value. While chaos awaits all hate. The difference: between life alone and life “with life”, is the purity of your truth. I in my existence: found in that purity of male, “life lived with me”, and we were inseparable. Same in every way, respecting female always. But that ended within the spiritual world of female entering me; and it seems, male may never be again. I am so overrun with “I don’t know”; that means, I have no clue about my own life or eternity. Completely adrift: no say, where this will go.
So, we see in loneliness; the essence of living, as a human being alive. To be awakened, as is to exist in thought, having choices to make, with body; which then identifies who we are, as is being alive for love/ or dead for hate. Animals only exist in time, they cannot go beyond.
What then is life? It elementally starts, with what you have been given to use, as your path from existence, to self, and from self to beyond self; as sustains the living. That means the law of life has made you either male or female; and it is never both/ and it is never changed; and it cannot be undone. Like your face and body; what you received in birth: form the boundary and limits of your life in time. Which does make us all the same; because whatever it was or is: cannot be less than a gift. We are not our own creators; as every miracle proves true.
Into that truth, I have become a flaw of sorts. As beyond self, defined by a sustainable truth: I did enter into the spiritual world as invited, and found much that I desired to understand. But I was not allowed to go beyond the limits or laws of that world/ and since living in time as well: was faced with the extinction of earth, by human causes. I NEEDED AN ANSWER, never a game: but, Was faced with: men cannot save this world, as is “I”; they will choose war/ as history proves true. And without possibilities of intervention with men/ I chose to search for, and found: the spiritual world of female. I had hoped to “just ask a question”: but it was not to be so. As is everything of my education: life requires a more in-depth look.
But that too, had complications: and it is female that demands, I WILL learn how it feels/ to be on the other side of life. A view that is not less than truth. Chained to that experience; I have learned: women are treated unfairly. They are attacked without cause. They are very valuable as a balance to man. But they need to learn how to take care of themselves, so they are not dependent; and may be free. So they are not confronted by life, and afraid to live it; as life allows the freedoms, but demands the responsibility is yours as well. There is a long list, and I have truly not completed it yet. But reality continues to prove, the essence of male is dying; and that leaves me in the quandary of a truth that does not exist? Not male anymore/ but not female either.
So the question is: is this, a preparation for eternity? Is it the end of all loneliness by male and female joined as one? Is there a day when the balance of our relationship returns?
The only thing I know is: life, has become “a thousand sighs, no you can’t”/ as living under the control of female; by functionally trading places; to experience the other side. Is a very different world. I have no clue: WHY? I could have learned “balance”/ rather than be “female”.
I AM; the apparent evidence: “that female can in fact” take control away from men with laws that are justified and fair to all. Only THEN, you will separate, hate from life: confining it, “to itself”; because those who do not belong in a safe and friendly world, where justice decides by fair play/ shall not remain in it, as our neighbor. It is a choice, for a new world/ and it will not come again: CHOOSE. “now or never”!
Whatever happened to the spiritual woman in charge of me; in charge of female in this dimension, beyond time. At the hands of man or men, in time/ was clearly tragic. But anger can be resolved if you listen, and they tell the truth; if forgiveness is possible. She is determined, “I should know, this is bad ”; to never let that happen again, to any woman. it is, VERY complicated, as I am removed from everything I once was. She is in control; more than capable of proving that true. But I am not in control of men; and “other than law, enforced by truth”; know not how to accomplish what she demands. Some degree of invention is possible; but only if women help.
But the end result of it all is: that I have completed the work of presenting you with the message: humanity will stop its insanity/ or be extinct. SO SAYS THE EVIDENCE OF YOUR LIVES. And you know it exists, reality has proven it.
And still, they all scream: NOT YET, because they want what they want; as is what they believe. And people do believe whatever they believe: because belief requires no truth, no evidence, and no knowledge of life or value. It simply is, whatever you want reality to be. The result of building “prison walls” around you/ to keep the world out.
AS IS THE RESULT OF “university knows”:
PROVES no way back.
Or causing the disciplines and order of genetic biology fails you;
unleashing Armageddon (nature in chaos)/
or the Apocalypse war for water/
or HELL, as is you chose to destroy what was needed to survive.
You chose to allow: “weapons of extinction:
and will be cannibals until the end. Or MORE!
No, I have absolutely no clue what happens to me: in time or eternity/ or as male or female; or “is their other, beyond self”? Nonetheless, I will hope you survive. To that end; this is, the best I did do. I for my part: “opened the door to the spiritual world of female”; to participate, beyond male: in the fight for life on earth.” I guess: until that fight is done, one way or the other: I will remain in her world/ not a choice, and yet it was. A quagmire: nothing I say matters, anymore; another element of “female experience”. As is, my own expressions; are becoming “more female”; the essence of male, is being replaced; or leaving me behind. To return I know not where. I don’t, know why? “too ugly/ too old/ to not female or male; etcetera”; just how it is.
And the world said: we won’t care, as humanity is filled with arrogance, apathy, and disrespect/ GREED, PRIDE, AND POWER brought us this far: and we, the majority shout: do not intend to go back.
but life says, “ YOU WILL UNDERSTAND”!
This life: is the testimony or evidence of the truth, your game is dead: consequences are real.
THAT ALL OF HUMANITY HAS BEEN TOLD, is your job! because you easily can. Enough know; and eternity will remember those who don’t. Even you; can legally do, something.
CHOOSE FOR LIFE OR you will be extinct; this world cannot survive what humanity, and its universities, or armies will do. NO going back!
Force: exists in the multiple dimensions of time and space;
it is not, “for simplistic fantasies or delusion”.
Ignition of the atomic bond; means incinerated!
LIFE: exists, as does world: but so does death and extinction.
AND THAT means: you do stand at the gate of LIFE OR DEATH, even as a world. Even though you refuse, to participate/ you WILL OPEN one door, or the other; and it will be your choice. For LIFE OR DEATH. No second chances, no do over: choose.
AND THE WORLD; shall know its answer, by what you do/ or choose not to do. Same for all; no exceptions, but one.
Arrogance: does not know, how the skin of anything is born/ and without it, you die; only one of the genetic collapses of “university knows”.
Apathy: does not care, that over 200 bones are internally made, and then distributed throughout the body of life in time; to form your skeleton; but without it you can only slither and crawl; “if lucky”.
Disrespect; fails to understand how the over 600 muscles weave themselves into a controlled bodily mass capable of amazing feats. Billions of brain cells/ miles of blood vessels; “and a million more” facts of life; as a body called MIRACLE.
EVERY PART, EVERY PIECE, EVERY SIGN OF EXISTENCE: IS CONSTRUCTED WITH THE COMPLEXITIES OF “ITS ALL MADE OF ATOMS”/ which are all made of slight “elemental differences”, in how the atoms were formed, or combined: or where they contain their energy, and surrender that to living. And that does not include: LIFE ITSELF, or how we relate to thought!
Which means: MIRACLE, “is just not; a big enough word”.
Yet universities claim: they know, “its all just an accident/ the result of chaos/ and no brain exists until “humanity comes to be”. “just picked it all off the shelf, without a tool, or a head”/ and put it all together for ourselves. Is the truth of evolution. Their proof: “this looks like that”. Nothing more.
https://www.britannica.com/science/human-body identifies some of the impossibilities that are “university religion”. To the shame of society and religion, that accepted these lies as true.
BEWARE OF WHAT YOU BELIEVE, this is no game. YOU THREATENED THE EARTH, AND EVERY LIVING THING; “with universities know”. By living on lies, theft, cheating, and betrayal. The consequences are grim and horrifying/ the result of pride says “yes we can”/ even though the consequences are HELL or HADES. Because reality will soon change forever; the power of what you did do; to earn the flood of their tears, and the consequences of their revenge on you.
With certainty; I cannot save you from yourselves. I cannot lead you, with anything other than truth must decide. I am not your servant, priest, or other. All I can do: is testify to the evidence: of our dying world: to say:
STOP, being insane!
AND the intellectual says: “how will we learn”? ANSWER: you shall not. Insanity has no value. Be satisfied with what truth will teach. Or go extinct; as university becomes SATAN. “it is near, and horrifying”. YES WE, the universities CAN: LED to this moment of facing extinction as a world. Consequences they discarded; turned out to be true. Realities, such as poisoning the water, oceans, and so much more: proves the destruction of resources absolutely necessary to life. Weapons of mass destruction; prove the callous disregard for the planet, & life itself. Robots will be found in armies: to kill with mass destruction; as they take your jobs to enable “we are the superior ones”. Which then finds the masses: “of no value”/ ready for judgment. WE THE WORLD, need to resurrect: THE VALUE OF LIFE AND WORLD. Which universities have torn apart with their cults in tow. Leading the foolish, with lies/bleeding entire societies dry of their securities to pocket “the emperor” needs it. Nothing about this world is sustainable; and that is a finite conclusion; with very serous consequences for us all. We buy time for ourselves/ or we give it to the people who brought us all extinction; to discuss. Who claim: “we will all be great”/ but are trying to ignite the same fire here as is on the sun. a fire that is clearly: burning the bond in atoms. Very similar to burning the molecular bond in chemicals joined; as is done here; but with 4 million times more energy released. THAT MEANS: A CANDLE FLAME, would instantly become 62 miles high. Who among you can extinguish that fire? Or withstand its radiation?
“what is, our new world order to be”: functionally true justice will enable, “help each other to help each other, to help us all”, by being fair and happy; in a world that is built upon; “harmony and peace”. A joy to our existence; as it was intended to be; from the beginning. WHAT WE NEED IS LIFE! WHAT WE NEED IS OUR PLANET TO SURVIVE. WHAT WE NEED ARE RESOURCES, AND THE CHAINS OF LIFE, AND OXYGEN, AND GLOBAL STABILITY IN EVERY CONCEIVABLE WAY. BY LAW, and its justice as is “life and planet must come first”. NO MORE, playing god! What we have is none of that; by university decisions/ and their cult followers. And will suffer for it, to rebuild/ if extinction does not come first. Stop the intellectual insurgency against all life on earth: LEARN WHAT THEY DO (not for life or world), without the propaganda of media.
After all: if they have nothing to hide/ will they not say yes?
Remember the price for being wrong: is extinction.
IT IS: YOUR CHOICE, because universities cannot do so; without their cult.
What you believe is; as with covid; is wrong. THEIR excuses:
to MELTDOWN democracy; installing “Nazi (we own the power)”
is no small thing.
And the world, and its religions will said: WE WON’T BELIEVE ANYTHING YOU SAY!
So: there is only one solution
With the people trying to ignite “a fire here, just like the sun”.
to create the heat and radiation and solar gravity: we know exists.
Scientific papers claim: a 4 million times more; energy expression will result.
I asked decades ago: THEIR ANSWER was: “no worry”, not enough gravity to sustain the fire! End of story. So if that, is their entire solution! Is not worth the price for being wrong: TO YOU!
Then as is, the cost is: our planet burns like a sun.
SHOULD YOU NOT SAY: NO MORE? Should you not question your beliefs, or theirs?
FUSION has already been proven wrong
even though many believed.
Lawrence Livermore Labs
San Francisco, CA: USA 2012 etc
today, every machine (roughly fifty): tries to ignite ATOMS for fuel.
Result: same fire as on the sun
overtaking our world
with radiation and heat beyond your wildest dreams.
Remember this: that we, the world of life: have a “billion things” to lose/ as is life, nature, planet, chains, resources, body function, diseases, and everything else that does have value. As proven by thousands of years in recorded history.
THE CHOICE IS: AS NATURE HAS SUSTAINED OUR EXISTENCE/ OR AS THE SATANIC UNIVERSITIES will continue their work; finish our own world extinction.
We do have options: but NOT to play god, with life or world.
All you have to gain is: the trophies, trinkets, and toys (no true value); of universities, without respect. Whose arrogance and apathy prove: consequences! And charge you “a quadrillion dollars”/ to fight with the cancers and disease they created. As they already do.
Who care absolutely nothing; about whether you live or die. Did they not already steal all your money? Claiming wealth; with numbers that are pure fantasy! Indeed they did.
Or we would not be facing our own extinction! The assassination of every child; on this finite planet of life. Cursing everything; No resources/ no living world. All war!
THEN, if you find “the cost is too high/ for what we did not know”: GO LEARN THE REST.
After all: behind the veil of superiority;
university is merely, the former classmates of us all. NONE, “were gods”.
So, do you have enough time, “to decide”?
NOT A CLUE, I do however suggest you pray: because the “trillion dollar” machines are real
and so are the people who make their living trying to prove “they can be gods”.
Listen, to them; and if you find a need to question:
go to www.brainfirst.info or www.justtalking7.info
both of which have dealt with:
truths which can be proven instead; of “university fantasies or delusion”.
Edit for “just like the sun”; but I do not remember where.
Several inserts of reality; exist.
Or more simply: do you want life, and earth, as nature made it to be? As is love identified with truth. A value that is certain. The delicate balance of building an eye or ear or tongue to speak with; for you, in ways you cannot comprehend. The value of “knowing”, and understanding; are all gifts. Are called MIRACLES, because we cannot even conceive of how these things exist.
Or do you trust the universities claim: their claim of evolution “no thought required”; shouting, they are gods, over you. And must make every decision. As is hate identified by the cost of being wrong; the liars, traitors, terrorists and thieves; all fall upon us, as their slaves? A reality already proven: already surrounding us all; by the consequence of their threats.
Reality says: it is no choice.
Because truth knows the answer. But liars do not.
Pride screams: winner. Power screams: LOSER. Want screams: more.
And cult leaders scream: only our experts decide. “which way to HELL”!
But living, can only be sustained by truth. “so is it truth, nature survives”! Or lies; the university Satan knows all, rules all, steals all, and has no boundary called truth”?
ONLY the most extreme cult: worships lies, fantasy, and delusion.
They stole your voice/ they stole your face/ they stole your future, and nation, and money and killed your child: because the future does not exist. Only WAR.
BUT, the cult says, “I am no cult”; because they are believers.
But to believe whatever the universities, or their media priests tell you: is a cult follower.
You do not think for yourself. You believe, and they are not the same.
Did you ever hear the media say: “university is wrong”?
No, because power tells media what it can say, through the editor, who is
told what that business will say; by the owners; whose only purpose is pride.
I win/ you lose. Because without a loser/ there is no winner.
And the leader (university) must win; or it cannot be superior.
The intellectual builds a trap, to distract the mouse, into feeling safe; “yes I can”.
Cult means: you choose to surrender your future, your nation, your choices, your money, your life; to “the leader (university_)” you claim, or accept: is more than you. By: Believing in its media.
Truth however: sees the consequences, and asks: from where, did these threats come?
Because trinkets, toys, and trophies; are not enough to sustain life or world.
The answer is: from beliefs, that did not prove to be true.
Loneliness, arises from the depths of being forced: to accept, this is the best I can be/ and yet no one cares for me. No one wants me, shares with me, or cares about my life at all. The consequence is: these people sometimes become cult followers, surrendering their money and future; because they want someone to care. They want someone to tell them: how to live their lives in peace and happiness, with truth; so that they never need to fear being alone again. so they believe; which is the price of admission; into what humanity offers, as a step beyond religion. A community of people who do accept each other. But it always turns out, that power corrupts, and failure is inevitable/ leaving little to survive the realities of being lost. People turn to universities as their solution: because with Reagan: the universities all received the reward for telling him what to do. Sell out the nation/ by selling the gold supply, and end all payment of debts. Shouting “LET THE CHILDREN PAY” instead; as was and is “the universities elite, solution”.
The universities then gave themselves “a million dollar raise”/ and this society screamed: WE FOUND THE MONEY, AND WE WILL GO GET IT! With greed, selfishness, and a thirst for hate; fueled by media, and its pride.
Why cult? Because the one thing people want more than anything is: “don’t let me die”. And there has been some success: enough to overpopulate the planet, and cause its extinction. But “that ain’t my problem” right? Who gives a damn: I WANT WHAT I WANT; right?
But the consequences are real, and the strategy of taking all you could get/ without responsibility for anything; as is the universities way. Creates the fate of being dead, even though you experience time. Because the one thing no one can avoid is truth. The evidence of truth is: you caused this world to “go extinct”/ by what you have done. Leaving only a tiny window of CHANGE NOW; or it will be over for this planet of life, you destroyed: forever.
CHANGE means: STOP what truth, the value of living; does not allow.
CHOOSE for life and planet, and the future, for every child.
The constant of every life is: WE MUST face our fears, with truth; young or old/ male or female.
Because anything less ends with consequences, that take all happiness away.
Providing the potential fuel; for depression, cult worship, or tragedy.
The constant curse of humanity is: the animals want to win, and prove they are superior “one way or the other”. Because being equal means they are not. So justice is trampled, with lies/ fair play is called fool/ and rich does not exist, unless you made many into “your slaves”. While government is given over to the dogs who pack together; by screaming “ME TOO”.
Unfortunately, it is the intellectual that damages most. Creating traps, establishing mazes to confuse/ counterfeiting to steal. Working inside delusions and fantasies in order to propagate the extortion and control over many: “with lets play god”. Using the expert, to deny truth, and support only power shall rule.
Want shouts: “you can’t stop me”. Pride shouts: “you will listen to me”. Power screams, “i am the superior one”. And the people who falter, know: that life depends upon the resources these creatures control. Because hate wants everything, and seeks it out.
LIMITED CAPITALISM: is again the answer to this. We decide by our vote: to limit income/ to create boundaries for ownership/ and to establish OUR LAW, will lead now. As WE THE PEOPLE enforce; the distribution of resources; which will include the future for every child.
Not a game! A reality built upon truth. There is no wealth without resources.
The reality is: “this is not a brave new world”/ it is exactly the same world as it has always been; “hate seeps out of every crevice” humanity leaves open: want/ pride/ and power rule life. The tools are different/ but people have not changed at all. Unfortunately, their tools, are now enough to cause our extinction. Their manipulation through media; is now strangling life itself.
Redress is the answer: our legal, “we the people” have power over our democracy”/ over our employees. “the law”/ not an army. Peace/ rather than mutilation and destruction.
In conclusion: the essence of life is thought/ but the foundation of existence is built upon forces which illuminate the energy of motion. Or time exists because of the atom, and its structural relationship to chemical composition. But the question of life itself, is identified by the discovery of a choice; which then creates the dimensional conception of “life or death/ love or hate/ male or female; and so on”. Which means more deliberately; that when confronted with the critical truth of changes, limits, realities, boundaries, etc; that cannot be undone. We must all make a choice/ and that choice identifies who we are, by the direction we chose to take. Which creates “self”/ because it is your decision; not ours.
There is; an epitaph to that however: because even though death closes the door to time. It does not close the door to life or forces which prove to be the foundation of the universe itself. Beyond the limits of self/ there is a spiritual element, to the human existence. Formed only by what is true: this divides and separates what can be eternal/ from what cannot. Giving to both love “one direction (life in peace and joy)”/ and hate; the opposite direction (chaos and terrors). Its stability to exist beyond self.
But there is a caveat even here. I became discouraged with this “humanity (men cannot save this world/ they brought it here; to the edge of extinction)”/ and searched to pass beyond it; leaving time behind; I DON’T wish to be here for that. But coming to “the great divide, as is eternity now”; I was not invited to go beyond/ my work was not yet done. So I was turned back to finish that work: finding the only possible solution is then “female”. But being turned back: I was forced to see the only possible to “see life from the opposite female view”: which for male. And reality pushed me through that door. Into the spiritual element of woman; who has kept me working/ she balanced the work/ opened doors I had closed, “they are not worthy”/ and functionally produced (even though it is my work) what I present to you today. But in doing that; I confronted ,my own life with the spiritual world of female; which has no room for male. Leaving an endless battle; which seems to have resolved itself today. As is: now I seem, to be female (no male allowed, in the spiritual female dimension): so that life in their world, can be at peace. Because I am not allowed to leave; don’t know why; the work is done? I know not how it all ends; but life is different, and I never would have guessed; a complete surprise. Even so: unlike the countless people who continually whine, “I should have gotten more/ or I wanted something else/ or they have what I want/ or I hate them for what they have/ or all the rest”. The reality is: that life itself is a gift, and I shall not disparage it for such a small thing as a change beyond what I expected. Male and female are equals/ different, but equal: so it is not “right” to complain. Life is, what it is. But this is between “the female world, and I”. Male is NOT allowed: other than to be as friend, worker, whatever it is that is “normal, between men”/ and never sexual; to me. This is a spiritual thing; and men, are not invited. No, I don’t know how it ends/ or if life changes back? It seems a quagmire; because there are ten thousand questions I cannot answer; because I lack “the truth” required, to understand, or critically know; what female is? Its complicated. And if we extend that: IF I LEARN/ WHAT THEN? “lost, truth (I know) has abandoned me/ and adrift, (I know not) how this ends, the future, and even its eternity; is completely blank”. Best I can.
Which brings us to a final look: at the predictions of biblical revelation: to ask is this a sign? And it turns out to be as predicted in revelation chapter 12: 1 “a spiritual woman” standing on what is foreign (me, as she truly has done)/ bringing a new life into this world (which are the options of law leads and limited capitalism shares) for you. And again in revelation chapter 17: 3 where she is depicted as riding the beast (which would be, the tragedies of male to female, throughout history/ as male is me, but I have never been disrespectful of women. Divorce ended trust, but a kind moment long ago with a little girl reminded me; you can’t judge them all, it is not fair (I think distrust; just had to be. It shaped my future for this work). But even so, I continued to respect life, defined differently, same; trust only truth.
SHE, the spiritual woman in my life; is giving out “valued things”; as is the educational realities of what has been done for you in this book, as predicted; and on these listed websites I have provided. I guess I am the human part needed for that; even if nothing close to perfect. IT IS fair to say, the end result: “the most powerful words ever written/ as predicted”. Because they create the necessary discovery; of what we the people can do, for ourselves. Which is: to change this world for ourselves, and every child. The most important words; which provide life through love to all of human existence is “JESUS”/ the biblical testimony, beyond time exists.
As to me; It does not say: “what she will do with the beast” she has captured for her own purposes. So I have no clue.
As to this world: the evidence does not waiver from extinction/ unless humanity does truly change; VERY soon. That is certain, not because I tell you (which would be irrelevant) but because the evidence is real. And like me; you cannot have back, what has been lost. So change according to what truth demands: or die/ its your choice.
IT IS YOUR LEGAL RIGHT/ AND IT IS YOUR DUTY. To fight for this world that gave you time.
TO ADD VOLUME; TO THE ABOVE WORK; that the purchase of this book is consistent with what is expected: the following two books; each of which was created by me; is added.
It is a truth of life: that the thief steals for numerous reasons, because in one form or another he or she WANTS, something from someone else/ pride makes them do it, to prove “look at me”. The traitor however does not care about others, only self, and what is declared to be “mine/ all mine”. While a thief can overcome his or her wants and even pride; the traitor cannot care, unless life rather than self; becomes their home. Love forbids the traitor/ admonishes the thief: stands ready to accept repentance; but not less; for either. It is harder to care, than it is to share. Because caring removes you; establishing us (as a valued family does). And sharing becomes “our story”; because we prove to each other, to be; not “alone”.
I believe it is only fair: since asking you to think; even if it is selling something/ to give something away. Both have an intrinsic value which may or may not be realized. My gift, is an invention: a very simple “stop a blood vessel from leaking”/ by preparing in advance: “ a spring; housed in a plastic sleeve”. Which when collapsed like an accordion; causes from and rear openings of the tube this makes to “form a funnel” for insertion. As the spring expands it enters and pushes out the plastic material to form the opening which lets blood flow properly. A suitable holding tool; to keep it collapsed until use; completes the tool (along with packaging); needed for “battlefield conditions”. Simple to use; effective first aid. IF you include barbs or other devices to keep the device in place; then torn blood vessels can be put back together. But methods to secure the patch in place must be used. The tourniquet is in fact a very bad tool, and should not be used unless there is no choice.
While a small portion of chapter 13 is left out/ the final element of this work is. That we do all face a point of no return/ when life itself will change; as is the cost of death. What we do in life as time; will cease to exist. What is true of our soul, will decide what comes next.
This earth is a miracle in all ways and things/ clearly proven by life itself; and all the things we needed to survive. As is the evidence of eternity itself.
Nonetheless; the primary purpose of this work has been to establish the link between what you do/ and what you don’t do: is now threatening this entire earth, and all its life.
Countless things; such as weapons of mass destruction prove that without mercy.
But nothing so dramatic as is: those who are literally trying to ignite atoms on fire (no matter what lies they tell_) that is what they do. As evidenced by “we will bring here, the same energy source; as is on the sun”. But it is all lies, from the beginning of their propaganda to its ending. Which is SAME FIRE/ SAME RESULT; as is the sun.
you owe this earth; an investigation.
Because there is no going back/ once ignition occurs.
And the people say: “I can choose better than you/ society says; we can choose better than you/ religion says; they can choose better than you/ and the universities guarantee: WE CAN Choose better than you. Claiming money to do what they do/ enslaving to prove; as the evidence of their proof. Called superiority.
Yet here we are: living in a dying world/ facing threats of extinction, from every side.
A world completely overrun with counterfeiting; because taxation is never enough.
A world filled with weapons of mass destruction.
Global warming; “the experts have spoken”/ and a thousand more realities of proof
you could not “choose better than all of us”.
But we do need a valid education of real world knowledge
to understand the decision; and participate as equals.
That as always is refused.
So this work intends: to “lift the veil”/ to let you see what is inside.
Reality says:
Insurgency/ corruption/ conspiracy/ betrayal/ terrorism/ hate/ greed/ Satan; and more.
I do not say: follow or believe in me. I do not say: let me choose for you.
I have said: investigate the cost of being wrong/ and think for yourselves! Do not believe; do not assume/ do not let media, or the cult of universities; decide for you.
That is the message of life versus death.
As I point to the evidence of no return, is real!
Contrary to the assumptions of many: as a personal note/ I have absolutely NO secretive plans to take over your lives or your world; or lead you anywhere. Absolutely none; even though I spent my life trying to pull you back from the brink of extinction: but you would not/ so here we are. As always humanity is certain: “WE DON’T HAVE TO DO NOTHING”/ until death has invaded their own lives. BUT THE EVIDENCE OF WHAT YOU DO/ THE CONSEQUENCES OF WHAT UNIVERSITIES DO/ THE CRISIS OF LEADERSHIP THAT IS GOVERNMENT, AND ITS THEFT OF RESOURCES AND CURRENCY across the planet. MEANS; your expectation of time, has disappeared/ and all manner of failure has been set on top of your head “so to speak”. War stands ready; nature in chaos is now all but certain; war for water is certain; resources are now “mountain high garbage dumps” around the world; oceans nearly dead; poisons and trash everywhere. And much more than a quadrillion dollars claimed: which divided by 8 billion people is equal too= $125,000.00 PER FACE ON THE PLANET. “IT IS more”/ because the liars, thieves, traitors, terrorists and even worse; rule life. HUMANITY NEEDS TO CREATE ITS OWN LAW; to govern ourselves and our world. Taking back every decision humanity needs to make: to make our own decisions.
Life first/ planet first/ law first: only truth decides: or we die.
Just how it is, whether you like it or not. NO, I am not your “great leader”/ merely human. NO, not what you expect; as is everything you want someone to be/everything you want “your heaven” to be/ that ain’t me. NO, it has not been a fun life; tinnitus makes certain of that; etcetera; but it is what it is. And I live as best I can. Just like so many more must do or die. So, “one of you”/ not more. Nonetheless, pointing to the evidence. And living within the spiritual world of female (its complicated), because male had no solutions to keep this world alive. THEY ALWAYS TURN TO WAR, as history does prove true.
I would like my own life back; not as it was, as is gone. But whatever freedom there can be for me/ as I have had very little; for a significant amount of time. Life on earth came first.
why me? After review, I survive because the lesson of “ONLY TRUTH CAN SURVIVE” WAS, indoctrinated into me; without question. By my ex-wife of two years/ no kids. Truth is critical, anything less will die, particularly in the spiritual world beyond self. So, I guess: in reality “that just had to be”/ in order for me to survive what was to come. Changed me; “women cannot be trusted”; which also guided what was to come. Creating the confinement of: “life and world must come first”/ because the liars, and their extreme GREED, rule now; as it has been for “fifty years”. SO, in summary, life has been: YOU won’t read/ YOU won’t listen/ YOU won’t care/ YOU won’t share anything, afraid of your cult, as is worshiping what is called universities, and its media enslavement of truth. As they finish destroying life on earth; “by playing god”: with your help. Which will end as: SATAN (which means; destroyer of a world), is what they are.
SO: WHAT then is my reward? Not a clue, as my own living was turned upside down; and completely dismantled: to be whatever the spiritual world of women decides. No say/ utterly lost: my entire eternity, is going to be decided by female/ and she already controls this life. A complete surprise/ I don’t know why? NONETHELESS, I DID DO; WHAT LIFE ALLOWED FOR ME TO DO. Simple as that; “good/ bad/ or indifferent” matters not to me. I did do, WHAT I was allowed to do: AS IS RESPECT, for the life, and even love; “the time”: that was given to me.
The end result of it: “to write, and continue writing to remove all excuses”/ even though you refuse to read or listen. “not my job”! My job: was to write; as is the result of tinnitus closing every door.
The end result of it for “your world”: LIVE, by changing; OR DIE, because of the consequences you chose, as is the people you believed in. CHOOSE.
The end result of it for “self”: extreme want, brings with it extreme behaviors which are all bad. Extreme pride, closes the door/ uses and abuses everyone else, as the only winner can be you. Extreme thirst for power: causes judgment, and the end result of that will be to value “worthless to me”/ and that brings violence as the result called hate. Choose better, or fail eternity as well!