Children’s Link

As time, and respect for this work expands: the opportunities to separate and divide a new category, which is to allow and create “children meeting children” to occur; will begin.

BUT THAT IS NOT up to me.

Instead: that will be decided in full, by those who contribute to the questions that will be asked. The types of interaction that will be allowed. The rules parents demand. And whatever it is that you elect to decide for yourselves: as to the best method, by which the most children will benefit; and define their lives as happy, “because you cared”.

YOU will produce “fifty words or less” statements by which you achieve the disciplines, balance, and order; that will define how this works and why.

You will vote on those “rules for a child” that you select as the basis and foundation for what can or will be provided on this site; through your own decision to participate.

YOU will accept: this is good enough for me, or the best we can realistically do; for life, living, and child; in order to participate in their happiness. Beyond the reach of simply being parents; by making “the real world”, our choice. No more hiding, some risks must be taken, no more screaming: WE ,ALL WHO COME, chose this, because we accept the value of children meeting children. As is, the desire: for, friends meeting friends.

The critical truth of this is: that every child needs a guardian who cares honestly for their welfare. That WILL NOT be the service we provide.

INSTEAD: we will help you create, what you believe will benefit life, and child on earth. But will withhold the decision as to how much will or will not be done here: until you have decided upon what is to be done. YOU WILL ask for what you wish this service to do for you. YOU WILL accept, that the rules and decisions that you create here for this purpose ARE IN FACT: entirely within the public domain, and free for all to use as best they can. NO acceptance of authority or responsibility will be allowed: until such time as the business is asked to participate further/ and we accept the terms you request. Only then: does an act we create, become our own participation in this specific realm of endeavor.

Unfortunately: this is the result of people who scream too much, and cannot control themselves; particularly where children are concerned. Adults must be responsible for themselves: therefore the business will endeavor to make life a little better for those who are fully in charge of making their own decisions.
