LIFE is about the truth, that we do live among the forces which can kill us. Time grants the discretion of learning how to do that very thing; in a world that is limited by slowing nearly everything down to a point of teaching what is true of life and death. Life sustains itself, by participating in forces with harmony and respect. Death discards that life by participating without respect, which ends with chaos, and its destruction of what did sustain your life. Time is a staircase of destiny: to ascend into the values of life/ or descend into the destruction of what has no true value. Each is a choice, but the middle of that reeks of THIS IS EASIER; because it is. But life itself is not a game. It is not for the believer who simply wants what they want. IT IS, a value subjected to the disciplines of order; which turns force into truth and the laws which keep us alive. To balance these forces with “love, hope, courage, truth, respect, heart, and soul”; is to achieve a relationship with destiny: earned, not given.
THIS IS, “A VERY DANGEROUS WORLD”. Because men made it that way, by playing games/ trying to prove who is the superior one; who could take anything they wanted, “with war, as is any description of power over others”.
This is not a humanity that will be defeated by anything less than: the disgrace of arrogance (winner), apathy (loser), and disrespect (revenge) as is rampant; no doubt throughout this world. The result of media propagation of all things violent and hateful. As is led by university knows; into the gates of HELL/ as is coming by your choices, to let them play god.
TRUTH KNOWS: that you cannot disarm humanity; because they do feel it is a dangerous world, that does not care: with cause. But without weapons to defend: there is always genocide coming/ because the war to take what the others have, and declare yourselves the winners: is never far away. As hate incites to create the mob (lets be animals), to do that very thing. But truth also knows: we can replace the bullets with less lethal ones, and defend ourselves with more truth than violence.
It is politics that cause mass shootings: the failure of life in society, because of you; the leader. Who leads those who want to be RICH/ by making the others into slaves (few other ways exist). So it is “the rich” who design society and its laws to profit themselves: with slaves. Limited capitalism replaces that with truth: we are equal/ and no you cannot rule over us. Because freedom now can be; as we design it to be for ourselves.
IT IS STUPID and foolish: to believe this is not a dangerous world/ because the threats created by university knows; prove we are on the edge of extinction. Because of those who lead, and have led, and have stole from us all. IF YOU want your politician to make this a safer world/ THEN TELL HIM OR HER TO ACCEPT WORLD LAW; so that we can remove all weapons of mass destruction. And limit hate: to killing itself.
EXTREME EXPERIMENTATION: IS THE GREATEST THREAT OF ALL/ to our entire world, and all of its life! The curse of fools, liars, traitors, terrorists, thieves, cheats, failures, “SATAN” all reside behind the closed doors of universities in charge! EVERY single leader has a diploma: all taught by the same few people (who wrote a book/ to declare themselves god). Teaching tragedy and disgrace: disrespect and denial/ propaganda and manipulation: so they could play god. And declare things like: “global warming does not matter/ evolution is god/ poisoning the earth does not matter/ pollution by the quadrillion ton, does not matter/ population rise doesn’t matter/ their claim of genetic manipulation in plants and animals does not matter/ they can control the same fire as on the sun; doesn’t matter. ETCETERA, doesn’t matter! BECAUSE THEY ARE “gods”. But alas: only SATAN (destroyer of worlds) instead.
Arrogant: you believe what you want to believe; so that you can crave the consumption and greed; that makes you feel rich. Discarding life and future for a toy, trinket, or trophy.
Apathy: you just don’t care, about anything but selfishness, and the demand: “ITS MINE ALL MINE/ LISTEN TO ME/ DO WHAT I SAY/ GIVE ME WHATEVER I WANT”; or let me play god too. In a world that knows, you have failed yourself.
Disrespect: you will not share the life or living of this planet, because you are so insane; you believe whatever you want to believe. Which lets you be: whatever you want to be, without regard for consequences. As is judge/ as is violent and hate/ as is the end of life and living, because you said: HELL has no control over me. When in fact: nothing could be less true.
FAILURE exudes leadership, as the tempters continually shout: “we will be great”. So that they can steal your money, and future; with lies, supporting terrorists, and conceiving of mayhem; by the cost of being WRONG. The state of IL currently describes itself as: worshiping the universities by providing 140 million dollars, to be matched by “US government”; for quantum research. A reality of accelerated artificial intelligence; intended to control all human life; even its creators. Cost of being wrong, as always discarded with the trash, and your lives.
But then 140 million to the state of IL and its leadership; is as nothing at all. Why the U OF I at Urbana, IL recently spent 130 million for an emperors box at the football stadium; for 6 days a year/ and 160 million of taxpayer dollars for the assembly hall renovations: “a little makeup/ a new air conditioner/ millions for design and engineering; never used”; because it was irrelevant. Because that is how universities in charge of government/ in charge of our money, with their puppets: wants it to be. As always: MAKE US RICH/ be damned to the slaves. MAKE THEM PAY.
The anger of mass shooting “the curse of failure”/ mass suicide due to covid, “the curse of your belief”/ critical loss of happiness and hope “the curse of fools”; the curse of media transforming the planet into a game of death; “the curse of death”. FAILURE on every side; by those who created an intellectual war “the curse of games”/ whose genocide is: to remove every choice, so they can play god with life and world. NONE left to stop us, “the curse of tyranny”/ REALITY be dead. As it most surely will be; very soon. Extinction is coming: your leaders are the curse: “of the insane”.
The greatest disgrace of our entire human history is: “the universities”! Even though the cult screams; “we won’t drink the poison”/ the reality is, you already have. Weapons of mass destruction/ evolution is your god/ sure we can control the same fire as on the sun, lets use fantasy and delusion/ lets poison and pollute everything: KILL THIS WORLD, “just to prove we can”. And take everything they all have by consolidating everything into just a few owners; as with communism, make them WAR/ and when they are defeated: make them “get their shot” of HELL unleashed. All hidden by media, and the tyranny of propaganda; and the corruption of every courtroom in this USA. And all the politicians say: LETS STEAL everything. While all the people say: “we are winners” until the end comes; when we all lose everything; as is the price for greed. And the cult screams: YES WE DID, because we wanted to be rich; even though we all knew, IT WAS ALL, “everything university is god/ JUST ONE BIG LIE”.
In the last fifty years: humanity has traveled from the terrible curse of possibilities that cannot be reversed: to the end of that trail, called extinction comes next. 98% the result of universities in charge. NOT because they are “experts”/ but because they are just like the rest: defined by the single element of choice. Represented by the words: “yes I can/ yes we can/ yes we will: OR WE DON’T CARE”. Like gorilla’s in the mist beating their chest: “look at me/ listen to me/ do what I say”. WINNER/ you damn loser you. Or more simply: as the universities led you to believe: “nothing but animals/ lusting for chemicals, to make you believe life is worth living”. Proving nothing is so dangerous to life one earth as are men: do you not, ultimately lead, by threat of fear?
GENETICS: are Like domino’s standing on end: knocking just one down, can lead to an entire cascade of failures throughout the system or chains of life, that keep us all alive. And the horror of fools, wants to prove yes we can/ so this entire world of nature will dissolve into the chaos of a “university god/ called evolution: the distillate of raw human sewage, that is poison to life”. They live to make you cry.
PHYSICS; are a weapon against life and earth, claiming to be gods/ they stand at the source of our extinction. And live to make you cry.
POLITICS; are the source of universities influence; stealing/ rampaging/ raping/ ruining/ surging against life and world, to make the universities proud. To prove they are gods, and nothing else matters but “the university cult” of failure and fool/ liar, thief, cheat, whore, terrorist/ and ultimately SATAN on earth, as they prepare the final curse of “our world turned into a lake of fire”/ just like the sun.
MEDIA: elevating itself as our protectors/ while undermining every reality of value that exists; to hide what the politicians are doing/ to hide what the universities and their religious indoctrination of every child is doing/ to hide the thief/ to remove the complaint/ to destroy the very last possibilities we might survive; if you change: even more than you imagine you could. Because your world is built upon the universities design: LETS KILL IT ALL/ so we can declare ourselves as god.
RELIGION; which surrendered itself to “whatever the universities say”/ idolize the fool. And let them trample all over you; because like evolution which you incorporated: in cult worship of your enemy. You threw away truth, to become simple believers in nothing but insanity. IT DOES NOT matter what can be changed/ WHAT MATTERS IS THE PRICE OF BEING WRONG; and the reality of CAN WE RETURN TO LIFE, OR NOT?
HUMANITY; has spent the last fifty years or so: SCREAMING I WANT GREED AND SELFISHNESS; to be mine. Nothing less will do, because we all want that: so the army condemns and incarcerates the majority; with counterfeit money, and “fools gold”: claiming “we win”.
While HATE builds the weapons of extinction; to surround this whole world with HELL.
So, we all end: where we are: FACING THE TRUTH of what you did do/ to life and earth and the future! Facing “yes we can/ ONLY IF YOU ACKNOWLEDGE YES YOU DID DO THAT. As is poisons everywhere/ pollution’s/ resource depletion/ global warming/ weapons of mass destruction/ genetic suicide; nature in crisis as the universities inject chaos/ extreme experimentation; as is LETS BURN ATOMS; “just like the sun”. And ten thousand more; men failed life realities of truth.
Reality knows: if you judge each other you die. Because that only leads to war/ as history proves true. Fail to share and you die. Because that only leads to war/ as history proves true. Fail to care about life or world, and you die. Because that only leads to war/ as history proves true. Fail to respect reality, and you die a horrifying death. Because that only leads to war/ as history proves true. Fail to remove the curse of “university knows”, and they lead you into chaos as is Armageddon (nature in crisis)/ the apocalypse (war for water)/ HELL (we are, the living dead)/ HADES (they ignited our world into a sun: NO PLACE TO HIDE). AND EVERY FORM of hate that is imaginable; from all the stealing (we want it all)/ cheating (sell them out, TO HELL with the slaves)/ lying (lets promise “heaven”_/ while we build HELL)/ horrifying insurgency (STEAL their money, and make them ready for war), that is humanly possible; against life and world and child. As is (releasing the biological warfare, every university is working to create: IF ONLY we could find a vaccine for ourselves that worked) As the evidence does prove true.
As China proved to you over one hundred years ago: that does not mean, kill every person you can find with a brain. Because brainless does not work for living/ and the curse of “a brain, as is universities claim”; IS GREED, SELFISHNESS, BLATANT DISRESPECT, AND ALL THE OTHER TRAGEDIES OF HUMAN EXISTENCE; “that an intellectual army” can bring.
So the answer is not judgment of life. But truth of what you did choose to do. DID YOU HELP? Did you choose to kill life and world with an intellectual maze/ TO HIDE what you were doing. Did you kill the workers who fought for living and loving and values with respect? WHAT DID YOU DO? As is the result of evidence/ not beliefs or a title, diploma, or claim; to hide behind.
ARMIES are the result/ rather than the cause. Therefore we search behind the doors: TO FIND the cause, and remove the serpent who is in charge of rats.
The animal is: predator= “yes we can”/ while the prey = “no you can’t”. but neither bridges the gap between what is belief and what is truth. Respect identifies the values which become truth, while belief orchestrates the definitions of a herd; that don’t need no damn truth/ “together we make our own truth” (so long as resources exist).
Truth is the beginning of knowledge, understanding is the beginning of order, wisdom is the ascension of truth beyond the gates of self; where eternity does exist. The spiritual world does not know humanity/ it knows only what is true. Consequently it is your job to become truth, in order not to die beyond self.
The reality is, if not before in the search for life: YOU WILL encounter “the grinder, in death”: which removes everything untrue, about you. In order to reveal: exactly what is true, that will be left.
Of costs and consequences are the elements of life itself as a body. Which turns to the existence of our sensual recognition of self, as is determined by the interplay of atomic interactions; which are recognized by the constant which is an essence of life, by the realities of living. Which are sensually derived. What is motion, becomes our knowledge of self. What is an interaction; becomes the understanding of order we acknowledge as human. But only respect constructs wisdom, and it is the constant of universities to deny and intend to destroy all forms of respect for life and world. Or they would not seek its destruction; by the curse of what they do/ do.
There is danger in disrespect; far beyond anything you can understand. The enemy of life itself, is found in disrespect: because that does form the destruction of believing “yes we can/ or no we can’t; which forgets only truth decides what life will allow. While humanity is allowed to make decisions. The consequence of your decision drives the foundation of what our future can become. Because truth is a stepping stone, that either rises with value shaped by choice. Or fails and descends into the isolation and destruction of death; that is, according to the chaos you release.
Eternity does not invite the animals to join. CHOOSE, BECAUSE ONLY TRUTH CAN SURVIVE. Not, the claim of being human; which is, what you make your own truth be.
SAVE YOUR WORLD: OR, go extinct; because of what you did do/ which is allow the “university and others”; to create chaos and destruction that ended life itself.
It is, a reality of human existence: that all things “easy” lead to beliefs; so that you can function without the decision to create an individual identity beyond what you believe. These are called animal, because they almost always end with the decision: “i am/ rather than truth is”. Faith in contrast to beliefs (I want what I want): accepts only what truth can prove, is the best we did do, for understanding the value of wisdom. So then we see the difference “in the upper levels beyond hate and its violence”; but are limited to the boundaries of what, “real world truth” can accept.
It is a fiction: to believe whatever you want to believe; “like universities do”. Because imagination does not survive, the spiritual world that is a gate to: beyond human experiences. Therefore the quest is to learn the laws which govern our lives, and accept the truth which limits our expression of freedom. Because “law and order” DO represent the foundations of peace and harmony for us all.
Even so: EACH IS FREE, to believe or accept whatever they want: IT IS YOUR LIFE/ IT IS YOUR ETERNITY; it is not my responsibility or duty to save a single one. Because JESUS already did that; granting the truth “this is love/ and that is hate”. So that all knew, “I can choose, what my own life will become”.
AS for children, and babies; who die young: we are not their judge. The consequence of that is: we know not what happens to their lives. Whether mercy rules for each one, or not: no one can say. But if we are to understand mercy “Love does exist/ even if truth is not cemented into place”: it is to be considered a second chance. I know not how that would occur.

But I do know: that having used a new construction adhesive for about 8 hours/ I ended in the emergency room; with a pancreas damaged and later a gall bladder removed. Or more simply: the cause of birth defects, cancer and more is “no accident”. Human freedom; and university pride: has a price.

But life is life, and it is clearly not death; “the place of hate, and its arrogance (you crossed the line), or apathy; the reality of extinction instead”. OR, the cost of disrespect: which is to intentionally “steal a life, that would have survived, into eternity; had it not been for you”; as is HADES.
This is: “a very impure place”; do to the things men chose throughout history. Those who believe: GOD should come back and rectify this for us. Do not understand: purity, would dissolve us all. Therefore we ask for mercy instead.

And the world said to me: WHO ARE YOU, to say these things as if you knew more than all of us? You are not more/ you are not superior/ you are not wiser than “many”/ you are not anything: because we have done better than you. WE HAVE TROPHIES, TOYS, AND TRINKETS you do not. We have bodies that were not injured by time; “or thrown into the fire; so to speak”/ we have brains that know, “yes we can”; which proves we are like “gods”. You are nothing, and have no say; in our world! Because we are “better than you”. As does religion say as well.
But I am not here to contend with you about anything: it is “your world” (not mine) which means the consequence of everything you do, or did do: was by your own decisions. You made that perfectly clear; over more than fifty years.
I am here however: to deliver the message: “could have been anyone of you”! I don’t know why me?
far sooner than you believe is possible. Because the evidence does prove: you have failed both life and world.
Regardless of what you believe: because truth not want, decides what the future will become. No, I do not know the day/ or if you will change: it is not my job. Simple as that. Or perhaps more distinctly: “this is no game” as all the threats so clearly in evidence: describes, as true.
EVEN YOU: KNOW, THAT THREATS SO EXTREME; we literally can go extinct as a world: do exist! “the universities have made it so, by the insurgency against all things alive (fear this)/ media has created the applause from you, (a belief_; as the world bowed down; to universities, and said we will obey) as proven by covid/ politicians have stolen from you (obey us), as proven by debts and claims of currency obviously counterfeit: so the universities, could play god!” and they did.
People who say: “LOOK AT HIM:,,,,,,,,,,,,, HOW CAN YOU BELIEVE ANYTHING HE SAYS?” are distracting you from the evidence of your own truth. Because I did not come/ I am not here: to prove anything! I do not condemn you, or judge you, or save you, or lead you, or anything other than, TEACH YOU: THE EVIDENCE IS CLEAR. EITHER CHANGE WHAT YOU ARE DOING/ STOP WHAT THE UNIVERSITIES ARE DOING/ RESPECT THIS WORLD: OR, THE EVIDENCE OF YOUR LIVES DOES PROVE: YOU WILL, “SOON BE EXTINCT”.
BECAUSE THE CONSEQUENCE OF BEING WRONG; IN ANY OF THESE THINGS: is more than enough to end life on earth. YOUR PROOF, IS YOURSELVES. You chose overpopulation/ you chose global warming/ you chose ocean life extinction/ you chose species extinction/ you chose poisoning this earth/ you chose pollution/ you chose to throw away every resource/ you chose weapons of mass destruction /you chose counterfeiting to enable your greed/ you chose to make the children pay/ you chose to threaten your ENTIRE WORLD; by what you do.
YOU EVEN CHOSE: TO LET “your god of universities” TRY TO IGNITE ATOMS ON FIRE; as they say, “just like the sun”! Here on this earth; where just the radiation from that ignition will instantly kill any living thing within one thousand miles. A SELF SUSTAINING PLASMA; “THAT WILL CONTINUE” JUST LIKE THE SUN. because that is the price for being WRONG.
I am not: whatever they claim, “OR I am; WHO CARES”/ I am irrelevant to your reality! YOU CHOSE THESE THINGS AND MORE. They stand as your witness: the evidence you chose: is YOUR EXTINCTION. Choose better, or DIE AS A WORLD. Which means no one will escape the cost or consequences of what you are doing. YOU DIE, which includes all of religion: because you did not care: ENDING THIS ENTIRE CREATION OF LIFE! Which will not be forgotten, even in eternity.
OR YOU WILL CHANGE: TO SAVE THIS WORLD, FROM YOURSELVES. And those who decided to be “your SATAN” as is universities know how to kill.
THIS IS NOT my job anymore: IT IS YOURS. CHOOSE, “LIFE or death of our world: is in YOUR HANDS”; NOW!
But make no mistake: “humanity wants what it wants”/ and many believe, let the children die; not me or what I want. The crisis: we have come as far as life and world will allow/ without true change! NOW OR NEVER; as every child should realize for themselves!
But it will not be easy: because that is what humanity always does first! From the little things such as: “lets re-wet grain with fans/ no benefits at all; just more global warming. To trains that idle for hours every day; consuming resources/ global warming; with no benefits at all”. To all the people who drive; just because they can. And ten thousand more! To the people who believe: “fantasy numbers” are actually money/ demanding resources. To the Massive change, that is required.
I honestly do, suggest you pray: to the CREATOR OF THIS WORLD. As life by its miracles proves true: AIN’T NO ACCIDENT, that is the dead talking. LIFE, REQUIRES TRUTH!
Noted: a job, “is what nearly all must do to sustain a living on earth”. While it is true, my life could have died on several occasions; it did not. While it is true my education “took fifty years” to complete; the living was left to “GOD”. While it is also true, I did my best with the disability called tinnitus (which has many levels of tragedy: mine, about as bad as it gets/ but diminished over time). So no; not what you expect; but why would that matter, when the evidence is what decides?
Today; I seem to be “passed off” to the spiritual world of female; to keep alive I guess? Who knows why/ not me! Might be like my dad, “wherein my grandma” used to say: “it takes two angels to keep him alive; one just ain’t enough”. He was a believer; “got to be tough”. Nonetheless at 71 years old, I finally finished my work; for life and world. So, do I need to be sustained in living? I guess it is up to female, even though I never intended to enter their world. It was clear man could not save this world; and I had to have a solution. “let women try”, is a solution/ why I could never come up with that; I guess is a male failure in upbringing or education by society. Life is life, no arguing with reality; it is what it is. BEST WISHES: is my chosen goodbye.
but, I will still help “an organization of women”: WHO LITERALLY TRY to do the best they can for life and world: by creating the laws we all need to survive. Finding solutions, for all; as is the promise of being different/ “than the cost, its a man’s world”. As history demanded.
Noted: IF you find this useful/ THEN it is only fair; you get my nephew his drivers license back: he has earned it. While the court system has earned a rating of failed; without cause. “the court knows: he is my nephew, and takes out their contempt (at being identified for failure) by me; on him. As for me: the danville IL, court removed from me money earned in; a job the owner refused to pay and tore up his very generous contract (I had reason); to threaten instead. Another failed excuse of power rather than justice: in a motion trial, that needed me not. Because I was there in “thought word and deed”/ and the defendant had no cause; more than sufficient to prove intent. But as with nearly every court: reality is not enough, fair play is a curse: the judiciary wants power, and uses graft, or corruption to get it. Blindly assaulting anyone it comes near. With only few exceptions.
“for fifty years of work”; it is, little enough.
As with all forms of “human power or pride”; and in particular the diploma. THEY MUST be reminded “you are not gods” constantly; because they believe they are. Even though NOTHING, and I mean literally NOTHING; suggests they are anything more than the rest. JUSTICE does not wear a robe/ it accepts the job for finding for truth, what is in the best interest of society: so that all can walk in peace. By establishing “fair play, for all”; as best we can. They must be reminded: THIS IS MY LIFE/ IT IS NOT YOUR life; my eternity/ not yours. The only right you have, is to govern hate: NOT cultivate it. The only right you have is to honor the value: of learning why, those who want; discard fair play. So they can claim to be the superior ones. HARMONY IS “FAIR PLAY”. While justice is: the right, to intervene when we must; but not beyond.
In the terminal cost of death: we must recognize, the essence of a memory/ the basic foundation of our own deliberate truth; as depicted by the disciplines of what is, and is not order. To balance the foundations of force, we will exist within our own truth; until the destiny of our lives is defined. I cannot say how long that might be. But it is elemental, to accept: either the force of order/ or the force of chaos; will determine what truth creates as your identity.
So as to this work, and its construction of a choice: to either fight for life and earth with change governed by the realities of our evidence/ OR decide “want is all I want”, and evict life as arrogance will do: is up to you. Being on the fence (me/me/me; everything is about me) means: you have no value to eternity. “you are a cost”/ not a value.
We then stop to assess what is true about life itself; and accept the understanding of atoms (thanks to university, and even media to a degree). That our existence is built entirely of atoms, and it is the interplay of atomic definitions that grants all sensory conceptions. Or more distinctly: although you are made of atoms: they are completely “void of influence”, in our mental/ emotional conceptions of life. They exist/ rather than offer a foundation. Life exists/ rather than offering a foundation for understanding; of how “living is ALIVE”. Death is the ending of time, the ending of body and its atomic structure as is time; but life itself, is the alternative to body and its time; by presenting to us all: the reality of existence, and what we chose to be; of our own free will.
You are not “god”/ nor am I; that is worthless; and it is dangerous if you believe otherwise. YOU ARE NOT able to define or identify nature/ YOU ARE NOT capable of controlling an atomic fire/ YOU ARE NOT survivable as a world, without all that has been done for you. You are not going to survive; without true change: because this is no game. The universities have brought you to the edge of extinction; and humanity said: MORE, all along the way. Turning into a religious cult who fails life and earth. CHANGE OR DIE/ the consequences are beyond grim and horrifying; but it is your choice. DO, WHAT TRUTH defines, that it is necessary for humanity to do. Search/ investigate/ BE HONEST/ choose law to lead/ stop the insanity of money with limited capitalism/ and repair all the damage you have done; as best you can.
How is that not in your best interest?
LOVE IS; “a question for each heart (the flow of life, by the laws of truth, in us all)”/ the decision is simple: “is your living better, with life; the potential for joy, peace, truth, happiness, honor, respect, and being alive”? OR, is it better with death, the chaos of hate, apathy, arrogance, violence, judgment, disrespect, and failure? CHOOSE: “your own truth”!
Every human LIFE knows the question is true. The animals however “avoid it/ refuse it/ deny it/ ridicule it/ try to destroy it/ or judge it , as without meaning to their wants. “eternity: leaves them behind”. The choice you made.
And the people ask: what is life? The answer is: an acceptance of truth decides, what the laws of our existence will allow.
What is love? The answer is: we have found the cause to live! As life to life brings the essence: “I/ we, are ALIVE”. Where the existence of joy shall be found.
What is eternity? The answer is: living with force, as Creation invites us into thought; as our home beyond self. The relationship being “a participant in everything/ but an owner of nothing”; as life becomes, your gift to “the existence of everything”.
Humanity believes in want “creates the best they can be”. But only faith builds with truth, and only truth survives beyond time.
ORDER is the foundation of peace and harmony. DISCIPLINES are the foundation of sharing and caring, the basis of love through respect for realities given not earned. BALANCE identifies the relationship between justice and fair play; so that we do earn the values of our lives, as granted by the decisions that we make to insure what is true, shall survive.
These are fundamentals, that begin the process of elimination: to conceive of thought, and enter within the destiny, or not: of things that extend beyond self. Freedom requires law, or it ends in chaos. Law requires acceptance, thereby it is enforced. But values are the elemental rise or fall, of human intent; and they do judge you; “for life or death” beyond time.
Humanity says: “I want/ therefore I am”. Truth says: “time has given to you a choice”: to respect the miracles of life and living, as are so plainly examples all around and inside of you: or not. To investigate the essence of thought DID THIS; searching for truth of life itself; or take the easy road, which is commonly “I DON’T care”. These things become the identity of you.
So, as the education of life, teaches me/ I do teach you: to understand this is no game, and eternity is real. As every miracle does prove true. Whereas the universities have sought to teach you: “life is nothing but chaos, formed by accidents/ and you don’t need to respect anything; because we are free to do anything we can do”. As the consequences show: a world filled with threats/ a humanity that does not care, shares little, respects nothing; and mobs together to create war. The intellectual game of mazes used to entrap and enslave each other; in a game that will end with extinction. As media is used to indoctrinate “university is god”/ and politics are used to steal, cheat, betray, curse, and terrorize the living. As we continue to find ourselves “in a trap”; with no way out except extinction: they killed it all!
But alas; as the herd (animals are not human) continues to yell: “we don’t have to care/ we want what we want”; and becomes an army to take it from the others. The reality of predator and prey continues to present itself; as this is the easy way to live. And humanity screams: THAT IS WHAT WE WANT. And we don’t want: “to pay our own debts”/ because they nearly all scream: “we are the superior ones”. Assassinating their own child. As the mirror reflects “trump and hitler”/ and the mirror reflects communism, from the other side/ and the mirror reflects: “they stole it all”. Reducing this USA to destitution, by selling us out. Leaving only the universities as god, to decide what to do/ as was their plan. But they were extremely foolish in every conceivable way; and used stupidity to align themselves with extinction; and became “satan” as they tore apart everything life, world, child, and nation needed to survive. “to play; as if, they were god”. The cult of human herds worshiping; because the maze of media propaganda; kept all things of importance from being known. HELL is coming/ you earned it. Change FOR LIFE AND WORLD AND TRUTH/ or die, the liars, failures, fools, and tragedy of disease and disgrace of reality altered: by those playing god became; its your choice. The coffin is waiting.
RISE, from the plague of “university knows”/ and return to this living world alive, in the grace of true human existence: which means searching for life! A reality, beyond the grip of believers, the traitors and terrorists, who think they are or will be “gods”. Return to life, is worth fighting for BY LAW, the evidence of living; rather than fear and betrayal of want, as universities do. Return to a living world; rather than the maze of an intellectual war, the curse of weapons, poisons, pollution, stealing, and all the rest universities have done against you.
And the world said back: “we won’t pay NOTHING”/ WE DON’T want to do it. We play like gods too!
BUT LIFE SAID: this will not continue, the evidence is certain of that: which means extinction to you and all this world. Because you chose arrogance, apathy, and disrespect as your way. And the prey said: WE CAN’T, and they were done.
So, one final time: living has changed for me 4 distinct times/ and I changed not because it was my choice; but because life directed me to do it. The final time began as: the understanding, “men as a majority”, will always choose power as their solution; ending every time with war. So I searched for “what would female do”? And found balance to male, and a return to law must decide/ not want. I strongly suggest: that women should scream LAW NOT WAR/ and prove “yes we can”; by establishing the evidence of what justice and fair play can be! So the world itself; can take notice of what you did do. Simply by hoping it is not too late. Your choice! But remember this: WAR will NOT be kind or merciful to anyone; and it is all men have. and it will be extinction, for life on earth! Your games are dead. Reality has come.
Women have, a foundation for peace: because they know: their physical strength will not win the battle. The consequence of that is: we must choose law; as is the strength of society itself. Their battleground is then the law, and how best to enforce what we all need: to be happy, and sustain the living of our existence; as best we can. ONCE MEN have entered into war: it is too late/ as they have no brain; until its done. Now or never, because universities have created the weapons of extinction, in every conceivable way/ and they will be used: choose.
And the world said: “that is impossible/ women will never take control over this world; not even with law”! But I tell you true; I believed the very same thing “about me”/ and yet after 18+ years; of participation. It is female in control of me now, and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. She has changed everything, with: “no, you can’t”. A reality, men and women: do need to learn. She can enforce it/ but you must find your own ways; as truth allows. I truly don’t know; how it all ends, for you or me. My job as male however is done; she has evicted “me”. I must start again. Just as the human world itself; must start over too! Not a game/ there are consequences for our choices.
The final words: THIS IS A FINITE WORLD, and it is overrun with humanity and all your wants! THAT MEANS: either accept the limits and boundaries of what will keep this earth a living world/ or you die with it. STOP ALL EXTREME EXPERIMENTATION/ CHOOSE WORLD LAW, NOT WEAPONS/ LIMIT GREED AND POWER WITH “LIMITED CAPITALISM”/ ACCEPT EQUALITY MATTERS “TO ALL OF LIFE”/ RESPECT YOUR WORLD AND YOUR CREATOR. Because there is nothing but fantasy in most of what universities have done/ delusions in much of the rest/ and imagination won’t keep you or this world alive. WHAT THEY DID DO: is create the means of your extinction. NOT A GAME; as is the truth of their “lets ignite atoms, just like the sun” here! THERE IS NO GOING BACK. This world will die. Same failure is true: a dead world/ “with a thousand other university knows, decisions; to play god with life and world”. No going back. stop the insanity! OR YOU WILL BE EXTINCT.
The critical truth is: when you cannot escape the predator/ your only choice is to face it; or die without a fight. OUR WORLD/ LIFE ITSELF; is under attack; because fools believe they can play god with life and earth/ or just don’t care. The future is dead without true change. We are born of miracles: “can you build a body/ ANY life”? NO. Soon the bodies of this living earth, will not be able to build another generation either; because you let “university play god”. You let them build weapons of extinction. You let them poison everything. You let them pollute, and consume resources beyond survival. You let them destroy your own currency, and create debts no one can ever pay; enslaving you. You let them led to global warming/ atmospheric detachment/ and endless ways of failure; which will end this earth. You even let them mutilate nature, and try to bring the same fire here; as is on the sun [feel it on your skin; from 94 million mile away]. You are a cult of cowards, following media: “cheerleader priest” of what can only be “Satan on earth”. Not religious/ simply destroying everything we need to survive; as a nation, as nature, as a world; even as your own eternity lost forever to those who ultimately hate you. Or extinction would not be “visible by the evidence” of our time. Beliefs will not save you. TRUTH ALONE makes a difference! TRUTH SAYS CHANGE: OR DIE. Such is, the reality of our time: your decision, “each one”/ decides life or death for our world. Humanity is the threat/ humanity is the solution: BUT IT IS NO SMALL THING. Either way. Do not be distracted “by me”/ I am not your threat, and those who point to me: want you to judge me instead of the evidence of our truth. I am irrelevant: change, so says the evidence/ or you will be extinct: so says the truth. DON’T follow me: INVESTIGATE, AND KNOW: the price for being WRONG.
TELL EACH OTHER: what you do know, and seek to learn by the evidence; as best you can: identify what is true.
The universities will not save you: “they brought you here”! Religion will not save you: TRUTH DECIDES/ not beliefs. WANT fails life and earth! This is a finite planet, and the future has needs too: limits and boundaries will determine: HOW LONG life on earth can survive. Which means: your failures, assassinate your children.
So the question is: “more of this”/ or not? Just remember: it is not fair, to make the decision; for someone else! They own that decision/ just like you own your own decision. Suicide says: no more of this; because humanity refused, or could not: share or care what was needed: some judged instead. But want has no say: you have exceeded your authority to take what you want. The world cannot survive it; TOO many people. But, “kill a billion/ still 7.2+ billion to go”; along with disease; and they increase every day. By about 270,000 more to feed, need water, more! Your game is dead.