


In this America: we stand as the greatest nation of fraud and failure, the world has ever seen. Because the universities: have LIED, CHEATED, STOLEN, BETRAYED, TERRORIZED, FAILED, THREATENED, DENIED, CORRUPTED, COLLUDED, CONSPIRED TO DESTROY DEMOCRACY ITSELF; and formed an “iron ring, like Hitler did” around themselves; to insure NOBODY gets to complain. They don’t need guns yet/ they simply counterfeited trillions of dollars; and passed them around to those willing to destroy life on earth. The greatest laundry facility of these funds: “stock market”. As we all enter the final phase of destruction; and our world sinks into its chosen extinction. Because the universities played god. Locking themselves behind closed doors: “to keep the terrorists inside”.

So the end result is: humanity tries to vote itself outside the slaughter house of human betrayal/ and find a new leader. But none are capable of bringing back what is already gone. Particularly not trump: who accepted the universities cult leadership with covid/ and MADE THIS NATION PAY $60,000.00 PER SHOT, for a vaccine they made up/ and genetically altered human life with. It is extremely hard to fail more than that/ but biden tries; and harris has no clue. And yet it continues to be true:  WE DO NOT VOTE ON THE PRESIDENT/ that is a fraud. THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE hires the president/ and they can be bought.

SO WHAT ARE WE TO DO? Answer: what was the best they could do back in the 18th century/ is no longer the best we can do for democracy. WE CANNOT VOTE FOR SOMEONE TO VOTE FOR US/ and expect anything other than whatever the universities diploma wants. As nothing leads in this USA without the indoctrination of a university; to tell them what they think/ and a media who uses propaganda to insure: NOBODY THINKS/ that’s an order., form the cult.


WE MUST OWN OUR DEMOCRACY; not let the criminal conspiracy of a university diploma create mazes and traps to contain the outcry, with the dysentery of their lies.


SUCH AS: WE WILL OWN THE PATENTS FOR ALL MEDICINE/ SETTING THE PRICE OURSELVES/ and open the door to every pharmaceutical manufacturer who can get the job done.

SUCH AS: we will own the hospitals, and let the doctors be self employed/ REMOVING THE CRIME OF UNIVERSITY GRADUATION (half million dollars per, for all the money they can suck; as thieves)/ reducing their claim of universities are owed: to a percentage of income that makes sense; for the graduate.

NO MORE, “shit filled advertising allowed”/ truth and reality only: with a clear THESE ARE THE CONSEQUENCES demand. FRAUD, LIES, CHEATER, THIEF, TRAITOR, NOR TERRORISTS are allowed. REAL WORLD EVIDENCE; not the plague of a universities maze or its traps, as with covid. THEY OWE US MONEY, AND TRUTH/ GET IT BACK, and open the prison door.


But extinction is what you earned; and unless you change/ you get your reward.

SO WE REVIEW: and start with, “THE RULES OF LIFE ARE”!

  1. NEVER compare, because whatever you have as a living existence called life, it is more than you could have or would have ever created for yourself. Not a single living miracle of life; can build itself. So RESPECT THE TRUTH, you are not “your god”. NOR, are you god of any living thing; ever!
  2. WAR EXISTS TO REMOVE LAW; so that chaos can rule over life and the living/ by discarding all forms of justice or fair play. So the worst of the worst can have their day/ and as men especially do: TAKE ALL THEY CAN GET. Which includes everything criminal as is the constant of living in time. Only fools choose war/ but history is filled with fools, and their failure.
  3. NEVER want: “what you want”/ because that ends truth, and opens the door to playing games with life. To tempt, manipulate, beg, cheat, steal, lie, betray, terrorize, and every other form of hatred that can exist. TRUTH DECIDES, or your decision criminalizes life, and steals peace.
  4. NEVER believe: because belief is the prison cell of your want. Where humanity hides from its truth, So they can accept whatever they want as truth instead. Keeping the rest of the world and its evidence out. So they never have to contend with reality again; as brings fear.
  5. NEVER fear, until it is unavoidable, to the cost of hate. Hate destroys life, hate destroys society. Hate consumes peace. Hate creates war. Hate denies respect. Hate plays god with life and earth. Hate violates truth. Hate leads to HELL. Hate is the enemy of human life/ because it seeks the end of law. Yet people want hate: to prove to others, “FEAR ME”. Making humanity choose between love OR hate; because they are opposites, and cannot live as one.
  6. LOVE IS: the acceptance of respect, because without respect, there is no real love. Consequently truth measures love by its respect; and the eloquence of marriage is determined by your respect for each other. Love obeys life, which means we grant to the miracles of our existence an equal discipline, to order our lives, and accept the end of time. Is as miracles of life are: an adventure, a truth; to be identified, by our own decisions.
  7. Which brings us all: to the point of no return, which is we cannot change our truth. It is, what it is/ and there is no going back. We can however change our future; and that is our choice. The decisions we make for love or hate, as is the truth of our lives, carried out in the deeds and life we live. The VALUE of our existence is formed from the decisions that we make, for love or hate. The value of your own contribution to the living; is based upon what you do, or do not do; according to the decisions that you have made. Because truth says; even if you made the right decision for life/ if you did not go through with the realities of completing that choice; it changed nothing for the living.
  8. So, we search for why are we here? And assemble as best we can the evidence of our lives. Which is that loneliness matters, but it is both friend and enemy. Granting as friend the desire for life to share life with/ to the grace of living, an essence of caring because we can, be as equals are. Making life itself worth living. OR, as an enemy loneliness isolates and entraps those who will not step outside themselves, and participate as life without the barriers and limits of fear (power)/ or the delusions of a game (pride) to be won.
  9. We then examine CREATION ITSELF, and form the truth of our gift: that is time to experience and express life as living/ along with the freedoms, to understand “I HAVE” a direct relationship with the decisions that I make in this world. Creating justice and fair play for truth decides. OR, wanting, stealing, killing, lying, cheating, traitorous acts, hating, and all that is “not fair” to the others. Which causes the tears of humanity; as they complain: IF THIS IS LOVE, I don’t want it. And fail their lives, because of you. Every thief steals peace and friendship. Every murderer steals love, and denies it exists. Every liar wants you to obey them as a slave. Every cheater lives to prove they are the superior one. Every betrayal seeks to force you to be less than they are. Every form of hate is intended to wreck the law, so as to create war (no consequences for me/ NO LAWS to rule, or prove me wrong).
  10. LAW IS: the single greatest invention of human life. Because it recognizes the truth of our universe/ instead of the games men play. But as history proves without doubt: men cannot find law/ without the deceit of making their own pitfalls, and traps; so they can rule over the others. Its called intellect (the maze of delusions and fantasy is my war)/ the war of people who want traps; because they cannot contend with the people who are “barbarians (power is my weapon)”. LAW MEANS: we do understand that life is better with peace. To sustain that value of living, we the people create the understanding of what we believe will add justice and fair play. Enforcing that on the others, by policing and adjudicating what society has accepted must be done: to eliminate their freedom to act in ways that destroy what we build for our own lives.
  11. JUSTICE: lives in the truth of what real world freedom is. NO LIFE IS NOT for free! Because there will be work to sustain our survival/ and there will be competition in that work, for what is best, or easy, or rewarding, or wanted, or other realities of living in time as best we can. IT IS NATURE that lends us the truth of that survival; and removes those who cannot or will not contribute to the best we can be. Letting them choose something else, if they can. NO, we do not owe you a living; as is welfare. NO we do not owe you “the same”/ as is not consistent with what you did or did not do. But YES WE DO; owe to each other a job of value to life and living, that is fair/ with compensation we all agree is justified and shares the existence we all want from living. NOT because we owe ANY INDIVIDUAL/ but because we owe our humanity the essence of FAIR PLAY. As is the right to earn a living, and define our own freedoms: just like you.
  12. IT IS LAW, THAT DESTROYS WAR! Because the law has a better way: TO UNDERSTAND, what living with fair play is, and justify what we want: with let us all decide: TRUTH WILL RULE/ “not you”. IT IS MONEY; that invades our lives/ when war cannot. Because money is a war used by the monkeys and perverts of greed, who want to continue taking whatever they want/ by using society to do it. Creating rules, so they can rule, as the righteous do; so they can judge the others as less. Which means society is never at peace: because the monkeys shame each other, with pride; “yes I can”/ the perverts attack each other with “you can’t stop me”/ and the righteous never stop wanting to rule, so they intend to take the freedom of others; and make them cry instead. Which brings us all back to WHAT IS JUSTIFIED AND FAIR? Answer: freedom is justified and fair/ but it is not without limits or boundaries; because PEACE ON EARTH requires laws which identify what is in the best interest of us all. With VERY few rules to allow, “we can attack YOU”. WE MUST MAKE OUR OWN LAWS, AND THEY MUST BE “ONE PAGE/ NOT OVER ONE HUNDRED”. So we can all UNDERSTAND WHAT THE LAW IS; and need no lawyer or judge to control us; because WE KNOW!  NOT A DAMN VOTE, FOR SOMEONE TO VOTE FOR ME:    BUT OUR OWN INDIVIDUAL VOTE ON THE LAWS, WHICH WILL CONTROL AND RULE OVER OUR OWN LIVES.      AS A SOCIETY/ OR AS A WORLD!          WE CHOOSE/ NOT THEM! That gives society the freedom to be the best we can be: because you are not allowed to interfere with me/ nor I with you: UNLESS you have attacked us all, with what degrades life or world with hate. IT IS HATE that all human law revolves around. REMOVING HATE IS: the foundation of peace on earth. Therefore we must rule over ourselves with the simple words: IF THIS IS HATE/ then YOU, are not welcome to stay here with us. CONFINING THEM: to those who also hate/ “requires true fencing”; and no chance to return; once you have past the point of no return. LIMITING CAPITALISM: means we vote to decide what the limits of your income will be for a year/ and the barriers of how much property or whatever it is, that you may control. BECAUSE WE ALL HAVE NEEDS/ and in this world of human overcrowding (due to failures and human idiocy rampant among “university leads)/ we have no choice. This way/ or war: choose. LIMITING POPULATION RISE: IS MANDATORY/ there are NO exceptions. IT IS A GROUP CONTROL/ or a GROUP FAILURE: so that rewards and consequences may be true. WHAT is then true, of life on this planet earth? Answer: humanity is insane! They have been indoctrinated by “the cult of university is god”/ denied access to their own thoughts by the constant propaganda of media/ dethroned from the freedoms to make their own decisions, by the constant presence of “we are the superior ones; the experts called university”/ confronted by every corruption known to exist, the maze of human sewage that is “university knows”/ conspired against by want, pride, and power within the greed of their own selfishness/ and colluded into believing there are no consequences for the truth of what you do, do. Yet everywhere we look: humanity exists standing one meter from the center of your chest to the center of the next chest: WE ARE MORE THAN 21 LITERAL LINES “TO OR FROM THE MOON” TO THIS EARTH of constant humanity. We stand as more than one human per hectare of agricultural ground/ and cause extinction throughout the earth/ ending life in the oceans/ and overheating the planet BECAUSE OF ALL THE HEAT WE RELEASE/ while listening to the experts of failure demand: we don’t have to change. We can ignite “atoms on fire” instead/ on this planet made entirely out of fuel; just like the sun! GEE, WHAT, COULD GO WRONG? Answer the damn question; FOOL. Or as with universities playing god; who have no clue; they believe they can do better than nature. Which will be Armageddon as is nature in chaos. Or war for water as is the reality of poisons and pollution and human dysentery that is: WE DON’T HAVE TO DO NOTHING. Except kill another billion people by your own apathy and disrespect for the future of life. SHAME ON YOU. CHANGE IS MANDATORY/ THERE IS NO OTHER WAY. What you choose to change, is your gift to the future/ TO YOUR OWN CHILD; or not, because extinction will take them if you don’t. And the world says: I GOT MONEY/ I DON’T NEED NOTHING ELSE! But it is all a lie: can you eat your numbers/ or drink your claim of wealth? NO, because reality will prove; nothing but fantasy and delusions are worthless. AND EVERY SINGLE INDIVIDUAL LIFE: is now confronted with the truth, “that I too”, am one of the mass of humanity/ that threatens all life and earth with extinction. It is not a game; we are so many people, our earth is dying because of what we do, and have done. What the universities are doing, or will finish doing as is: crucify us all. OUR CHOICE IS; to help sustain this earth, so that the living miracles of this Creation can survive. OR, hide from the truth as has been the last 50+ years of human debauchery, greed, and selfishness/ while all claim: “I can’t do nothing/ SO YOU CAN’T BLAME ME”.

    But together we go: back to a sustainable “life on earth”/ or without so much as a single tear; life falls into the abyss of extinction,  NO GOING BACK!  As the HELL humanity chose to create; drowns us all in hate. The choice ends soon/ because as death does prove; the evidence of time runs out; is real.


    And I agree: because I am not “changing nothing”. YOU ARE CHANGING EVERYTHING/ and our planet is dying because you did do that; with the insanity that is “university rules”.

    Even so: what you want, has nothing to do with our ability to survive! Just like wanting money, does not magically make it appear. So people lie, cheat, steal, tempt, manipulate, betray, kill, hate, violate, and more to get what they want. But with over 8.2 billion people by the least viable count: YOUR WORLD HAS CHANGED. And the games you played, to scream “I WIN/ or you lose by revenge”; HAVE FAILED YOU. The extreme experimentation of universities has failed you/ their weapons of mass destruction will exterminate you/ the complete apathy for all things living now causes our extinction/ and the entire world faces the truth: “you money is completely imaginary”/ because the universities stole the reality of it, and spent that entirely on themselves; for what they wanted. Which is to play god with life and world.

    So it does not matter what you believe, that is completely irrelevant. Because we are so many people/ doing what humanity does every day; and every year; for their own expected 100 years of living. You have overrun everything else on earth. The literal CHAIN OF LIFE is ending; and without it the planet itself becomes barren and extinct/ if not burned by universities know; by igniting atoms into a sun.

    EVEN THAT: OUR WORLD THREATENED WITH COMPLETE INCINERATION; by those who imagine and fantasize they know; with delusions aplenty, and laws discarded as the trash: that they don’t even have to worry about IGNITING MILLION MILE LONG FLAMES, “JUST LIKE THE SUN”. Because they LITERALLY say, “no need to worry, not enough gravity here to sustain the fire”.

    Even though truth demands: that solar gravity comes from the separation of atomic power; as is the fuel source of the sun. WRONG IS RADIATION WILL MELT YOU/ OR HEAT WILL INCINERATE YOU; AS THE ATMOSPHERE OF THIS PLANET IS EJECTED, “JUST LIKE THE SUN”. Dead head, wake up and swim for your life; out of the sewage and plague, called “university knows”.


    AS was the truth of my dad and I: when things change, people want what life used to be/ to be again. But because of ear damage, and the death of his friends/ that could never be again. So he just got angry, that money could not buy him happiness/ and if he could not be happy, then nobody else was going to be happy either/ and that took every blessing from my mom’s life as well. But confronted with his own hate (I made the hate come out)/ he then had to look at his choices. He repented in the end before his death, and survived into eternity. But the morale of the story is: even though his life was as happy as it could be for the first 30 years of my life/ when things change: WE ALL must adjust TO OUR REALITY. And stop wanting what we want/ because that has ended. Or in more simple terms; as invaded by female says: learn to accept patience as your truth. Giving to this world what it needs, and hoping the consequences of that truth will then shape our lives with the best we can now be. There is no going back/ that day is over.

    In contrast to “justice and fair play/ the realities of truth and value, established within respect”.

    This is the world universities made: lying, cheating, stealing, corruption, betrayal, terrorism everywhere/ a complete denial of respect and its truth. the evidence which cannot be denied/ and the cost of being wrong. They choose the foundations necessary to evict justice, and deny fair play are found throughout the curse of their delusions, As is kill every child/ all of life! The lies of their fantasies, and the failure of their imagination. Which force them to collude and conspire to destroy democracy, so they can rule. Fully knowing that won’t last, and war against them will begin: they are building robot armies, and preparing biological weapons against you. Believing with their traps they can survive/ and with the maze of delusions predicated against life and humanity; they will keep you at bay with bribes; until the day is done, when they have evicted life from this earth. And the cult screams: you can’t threaten us/ our gods of universities will kill you! But then again: that is exactly what they are doing to us all, already/ its just a little time lost. But if they kill me first, I don’t have to endure “their HELL”.

    Go ahead: buy a barbecue grille; and start gathering recipes, “child legs/ human ribs; or what is it cannibals eat”? I don’t know/ and never wish too.  THAT IS: WHAT UNIVERSITIES HAVE CHOSEN/ THAT IS, WHAT HUMANITY ITSELF; HAS BARTERED FOR, WITH EVERY BRIBE THEY TAKE.  LITERALLY KILLING THE FUTURE, by ransacking every resource/ poisoning every water source/ polluting/ destroying/ denying reality/ and insuring: there is no tomorrow left.  which means HELL has arrived.

    So who cares. And the world says: you are a fool/ TAKE THE DAMN BRIBE AND BE HAPPY you ain’t flushed, OR DEAD.

  13. BUT FOR ME, I will just say,  “my path is different”/ and I will not participate in the destruction of this world. keep your bribe. But I am like your children, in a sense: “if my life is not more important than your greed and selfishness/ then you are not important to me either”. The barrier of money/ rather than life; then exists. NOT for happiness which money cannot buy/ but for pride (the screamers who shout I won)/ and power (the demand for slaves). Even so: your children are not better than you; because they want the bribe too, and fall into greed and selfishness just like you. Discarding the evidence; to chase the game of lets get more. Even though it means their future is dead. Because they believe; “the world has not changed”/ even though it has. This is a finite planet, and reality does not let you continue as you are. Even you: know that is true/ although universities do not, because they want “to play god”/ rather than accept living has a price now. I should note: that my family is the same way; wanting what they want and taking any bribe they can get. Discarding the evidence for belief in what they want; is all that matters. Absolutely certain “we DON’T want, his life”! And fundamentally accepting that we are better off, as we are/ than fixing all these problems. Which will destroy our “easy lives (even if they are hard_)”. Because that is the cost of being wrong. The reality of changing direction so the planet can live; and keep us all from extinction. So as the cult of satan proclaims: YOU CAN’T PROVE NOTHING UNTIL THE EARTH IS DEAD/ OR ITS TOO DAMN LATE TO CHANGE NOW! They too, refuse to accept: this earth can die, and extreme experimentation is only one of the threats we face/ and there is no alternative but to change dramatically in order to survive. But so long as they can hide and run away from reality, as do the rest: “belief is all humanity needs”. A tiny few make better choices; but it takes redress to commit to a different path so we survive/ and I find none who are willing to do so. And that means: “like all the rest of the herd”/ UNTIL THE HERD commits, they won’t stand outside, where the predators wait; not even when universities are trying to ignite the same fire as on the sun, here on earth; which is extermination for being wrong. Because media “makes them believe” all is safe. Like farmers when chemicals came out (this is America): “they wouldn’t sell us stuff to kill us”/ but alas most of those are now dead/ greed ruled, not truth. Best wishes: but truth will decide. AND THE ENTIRE WORLD: STANDS UP TO SCREAM, “as they have done for the last fifty years”/ YOU ARE NOBODY, AND WE WON’T BE MADE AFRAID OF OUR LEADERS, “who play god for us”. YOU CAN’T THREATEN US, with extinction/ WE WON’T LISTEN; WE BELIEVE OUR CULT. BUT as have I for the last fifty years explained: I threaten no one with extinction/ YOUR evidence does that. I am only here to explain, the consequences of NOT accepting what is true, by your own “experts”: is extinction. Therefore DO NOT believe me/ I lead no one. INSTEAD: GO TO COURT AND EXAMINE WHAT IS TRUE AS BEST WE CAN/ AND LEARN THE PRICE FOR BEING WRONG; AS BEST YOU CAN. Is not life itself worth that price? YOU CAN USE REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES; TO LEGALLY FORCE THE TRIAL “OF LIFE” on earth/ or its death. IS THAT NOT YOUR DUTY to do? Is that not your responsibility to life and earth for what humanity has done, and is doing today? Indeed it is. The conversation is dead: because unlike your universities who demand: “lets talk forever/ while they kill this earth”. IT IS TIME TO MAKE YOUR CHOICE.And all the emperors who claim “we are gods”/ and their whip-masters, and priests of propaganda; who keep the slaves in line or die: SCREAM, WE KNOW WHAT IS BEST. NEVER question your gods. AS SAYS: EVERY form of conspiracy to deny whatever is true; in favor of universities know. “believe/ fear/ obey”; as proven during covid, the replay of pre war Nazi germany. They just didn’t find their hitler yet/ but don’t worry: “they will”.

    But reality does not care; only truth survives. Because unlike the cult/ only truth will decide. When the lies have failed life and world. To each follower: the claim of innocence fails completely: you let them lead/ and accept their decision is your own.

    But then: when indoctrinated from a child, into the religion of “University is god”/ and forced to “mimic, memorize, and repeat” throughout their entire educational career. Proven to accept: MAKE NO DECISION ON YOUR OWN/ this cult rules as one voice: “your leader”!

    Do what you are told/ or we will drown you in your debts: blacklisting you, from this work forever. And your parents will proclaim: BAD CHILD! “believe”/ or we will make it true.

    Very few escape, to find truth. Even when evolution is the witness to their fraud; throughout that time. But we all know its hard to escape the herd; particularly when religion offers evolution as well. Don’t need no brain for that/ “throw it away”. AIN’T THAT RIGHT?

    So: the world of humans continues to search for excuses; everything from it ain’t my fault/ to this is all your fault/ to its their fault; whatever can be found to assert “ITS NOT MY FAULT”. And then: I won’t do a damn thing/ not one single penny worth/ I will throw that penny away instead. Or “I have other things to do”/ let the whole world die: just not my part. Because that is what the vast majority of humanity does do. but it is “all or nothing”/ as truth demands: we are ALL, in this together. YOU CANNOT run away and hide; from a dying world. it will not work!

    My job was to tell you: change the human existence on earth/ or earth will go extinct, and exterminate you from the living. Because the evidence is real, and it does not matter if it was your fault or not. It is your truth, because that is what your elders did choose for you. Doesn’t matter who started the war/ it matters who has to go to war. Doesn’t matter who stole your life or whatever it is: because today all that matters is your own reality. And to prove what that reality is: so that NO ONE FOLLOWS/ and all must accept, “this is, the best we can do”. I have demanded: GO TO COURT AND PROVE WHAT IS TRUE.

    But the world does not want that; because they know it will demand change or die! Which means you chose death; even though you used excuses to do it/ you still chose death, for all life on earth. There are no excuses accepted. Simple as that. Do what you can legally do/ or die, by and with the choice, of your truth: YOU, chose to let this entire world of miracles die instead.            I DID DO, MY JOB/  all the rest is up to you!

    SO, even if it is not in my best interest: MY GIFT TO YOU IS: as with other people throughout the years/ you are forced to examine your life from the point of reality. There is no escaping what is true; and the consequence of that means: you must escape your fear, in order to confront the reality of your position. You cannot do that with beliefs; want, pride, nor power; will not help. Nor can you obey the people who brought you here/ or even blame them to any degree at this time: BECAUSE YOU MUST CLEAR YOUR HEAD of your beliefs. In order to assess a foundation of values, that will allow for respect to arrive, and give you the identity required to accept your decision is true. There is no escape from what is true. You can only change the direction of your life/ to change the consequences that will come: thereby mitigating truth as best you can. People throughout all of history have had to make these decisions. Such as women or men who have their partners leave or die; even though the child needs both/ or whatever it is. Your world needs you to not leave or die/ so that the best we can do: includes you. Nobody knows; what you can do/ until you do it. Even if they don’t applaud, or pay you, or respect: we are the world/ and we all have a duty to life. Simple as that.

    No, I am not an annoyance. I am “a message to your heart”/ find the truth of life or death for this world: before you are forced to die, from what you do. Believe it or not.

    But do remember this: most of those who can adjust and refocus their lives/ need help. Which is the job of family; we are the family of human life on earth/ help those who help you survive, by putting life on earth first. It is your duty.

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Jim Osterbur
REALITY PROVES: YOU CANNOT BUILD LIFE "ONE PIECE AT A TIME"/ got a heart, you need blood; and everything else. ONLY THOUGHT can build life; "miracle/ not chaos"! Life shares its moments with time; but only truth shares its existence with eternity. Without love, life dies and eternity fades away. But every miracle of life as is every life without exception proves love. Jesus proves love, and invites those who do love into eternity; by their decision to respect: I accept. Not because of religion; but the evidence of love in both miracles and the choice he made to identify we do have a choice: to love/ or to hate. everything in between that is merely want; and want is behaviors "of an animal". I did do, what I did do; for life and world/ everything else is up to you. THE EVIDENCE OF OUR WORLD; demands, we will go extinct without true change. "This site" conceives of REDRESS, our first amendment legal right to decide for ourselves/ as the solution we need to investigate, and prove what is true. BEFORE it is simply too late now.

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